My wife is 10 weeks pregnant. We've decided on a home birth because we think that will give us the highest chance of having a natural birth. We also feel a home birth will be much more spiritual and God focused, which we want to make sure Jesus is as the center of it all.
We have found a team with a certified nurse midwife and others that will assist us throughout the pregnancy. We have a nearby hospital familiar with our situation in case a transfer is needed for any reason.
Has anyone else had a home birth? If so, I am curious what your experience was like.
My oldest son was born in a hospital in '80, and youngest son was born at home in '89. The wife said she would never deliver in a hospital again. The difference was night and day.. At home, she was comfortable, with people she knew and "germs" she had already been exposed to. We had a midwife and assistant present, but I did the delivery. There was a complication, cord around his neck twice, but I dealt with it. No perverted doctor needed. She got up 15 minutes after she had him and fixed herself some soup... Doctors and hospitals treat pregnancy and delivery as if it's an illness and surgical procedure, which it is NOT. If you get rid of the fear and unfamiliar environment, it becomes as natural as it should be.
You and I are on the same oldest '80 and my youngest '89 with 3 in between!
We had none in between, lol.