Why Is It That Oh So Few Conservatives Talki About Operation Mockingbird or Ernest Voice?! Mark Dice
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I think AJ is genuine... But he spends, probably an unhealthy amount of time in spiritual things... We humans have our limits whether it's good or bad exposure...
He is manipulated, though. His sources are probably where he gets his marching orders.
The Infowars Network does also have a lot of other good people in it. I wouldn't put them as a main source, personally, but definitely more reliable than MSM... Not the worst jumping off point.
He did redpill me to a lot and his Bahamian Grove doc is still a quality red pill.
Finally someone else who has entertained this thought: "He is manipulated, though. His sources are probably where he gets his marching orders." you may enjoy this post i've made in the past.
Q also only said "AJ [moss backed]" which doesn't require AJ to even be involved.
Perhaps AJ is simply kept afloat by moss money so they can use him as a tool through manipulation of his sources, guests, callers ect., He doesn't claim he's perfect, he admits he's wrong surely the cabal knows how to use a man regardless of whether he is involved or not.
The common trope that AJ is playing crazy man to make real info sound fake doesn't require him to do it intentionally.
Think censorship, AJ immune due to funding, be it moss money/donations or product sales..
Everyone else who doesn't have crazy man trait, deleted/muted/no reach.
AJ doesn't need to know how he's moss backed to be moss backed and that's all Q has said.
Quite simply Alex may be a victim of psychological warfare at it's finest because he posed a great threat to them, a battle fought so well that Alex has no idea he loses WHEN IT MATTERS and in fact thinks he is winning because he IS as a MAJORITY but not at the critical junctures.