They fear patriots above all. They want to erase all reminders that we exist.
Patriots worldwide are the new Jews. They want us to live in fear and terror of the nazis.(NWO) They want our neighbors to rat us out so they can eliminate us. Our very existence is a threat to the NWO.
^This 1000000000%. Tell on the bad patriots, get a free hot dog. My neighbor "reminded me" a few months ago my 13 star flag was "a racist symbol". I told him to grow up but only after I asked him about hia brown-ish lawn jockey holding a lantern they just had refinished.
Yet the Antifa flag is okay.
They fear patriots above all. They want to erase all reminders that we exist.
Patriots worldwide are the new Jews. They want us to live in fear and terror of the nazis.(NWO) They want our neighbors to rat us out so they can eliminate us. Our very existence is a threat to the NWO.
...sadly true....
^This 1000000000%. Tell on the bad patriots, get a free hot dog. My neighbor "reminded me" a few months ago my 13 star flag was "a racist symbol". I told him to grow up but only after I asked him about hia brown-ish lawn jockey holding a lantern they just had refinished.
The FBI is in serious need of an education.
Welp. I guess my new tattoo has been decided...
...doggy winks....
My next one of mine will be one of these for sure, probably the Join or Die snake 😉
Wait till they see the new flag!