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Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
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So how far along the redpill is he? If he is at the level of a typical PW patriot, tough chance of discussing these advanced redpills.
Here is my go to redpill package for Ukraine/Putin. This has changed many a minds on reddit, so if he actually follows through with reading/watching some of these, he will definitely start seeing things differently:
Distinguished Professor explaining the Ukraine conflict
Message from the mass grave in Donbass
Well sourced account of the Nazis in Ukraine
Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told - from 2014
Interview with people from Mariupol about being attacked by Ukrainians
Journalist Vladimir Pozner about Putin
For people demanding "trusted sources"
CityNews Canada
More hardcore stuff:
https://t.me/s/rybar (needs translation)
He knows nothing, doesn't even know what Q means. He liked Trump and got vaxxed for a cruise and tells me how he regrets it and he at least agrees on monkeypox being covid 2.0. The dude just thinks he's smarter than me when he's a lazy shit and I just want him to see the truth. Thanks for the help expect a post from me in the near future how it goes