Congresswoman Warloski (R) and 2 of her aids were killed in a head on collision on a highway just a few hours ago. Current police scanner chatter was both vehicles “appeared” to be at highway speeds, and in the flow of other vehicles. The one car veered over the median and hit their SUV.
Crashes like this happen daily so we need more info. 3 of the 4 occupants including Warloski were killed in her SUV, and the lone driver of the other vehicle was killed. Further reports will be added by Anons as we get updates. Our prayers go with all of the families that just lost a loved one, and the sole still living SUV occupant. Right Side News article attached.
And you know it was a deep state setup ……… The odds of it being the deep state are very low. Whether you like that or not.
Didn’t say I KNOW this, did I? Specifically said it SEEMS like it just a car accident.
A lot of car accidents happen everyday. Just because a republican politician was involved in one, does not mean it was the deep state that did it.
Not saying it wasn’t a hit job, but again not very likely. Not saying not to investigate
But I do have questions of why they would do this
What are their benefits to doing this? What is the risk versus reward for them in this scenario? Getting caught would be hugely damaging to them. Succeeding means they get rid of a politician most people have never heard of. Not a great risk vs. reward scenario for them.
Sometimes it is just a car accident.
Even if you are correct, and they did do it, so what? What will be done about it? How is wasting time investigating this helping our cause?
Volunteer to be a poll worker instead, or an election official.
Fair enough...neither one of us it would be at this point.