For those wondering why it’s taking Maricopa County so long to count the votes.
They know they need more ballots to win, but due to 2020, they are now the single most watched county with the biggest spotlight IN AMERICA.
They are caught between a rock and a hard
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️

Crooks only know how to be crooked. They are in the situation of thinking "May as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb", if they're compromised by corruption or pedophilia the screws will be turned very hard and they have to opt for the one that keeps the pain away from their door as long as possible - ergo - they say "Fuck it" and cheat. There's always the chance that Katie Hobbs can cover it up for another 20 months or that they'll be able to have "an accident" that sadly destroys the voting records. At this stage they have nothing to lose, they just need to fabricate a barely plausible cover story and get it distributed to all the networks so they can attest (again) that it was the most "secure election in history". They are between a rock and a hard place - but they will double down - we've seen this pattern of behaviour over and over and over again. They have become accustomed to being unaccountable and they cannot contemplate that changing. The fix is in.