Hunger In Africa: The Situation Is Serious 278 million people in Africa suffer from chronic hunger.
You will find more infographics at Statista
According to Welthungerhilfe, the main drivers of hunger include wars, climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic.
Most recently, the Russian attack on Ukraine further exacerbated food supply problems. Even before that though, the situation in many African countries was serious, as this map based on the 2021 World Hunger Index illustrates.
The index "annually measures and compares the severity of hunger and malnutrition in the world, different regions and individual countries."
The situation is particularly dire in Somalia, with seven other countries rated as "very serious" - Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Burundi, the Central African Republic the Comoros and Madagascar.
Only a handful of countries can be classified as "low" or "moderate" on the severity scale.
Since the 70-ies ... I am bombarded with hunger in Africa. It started with Biafra en the litany keeps on going.
For 50 years the west has poured money into Africa. And all there is is more shit. Especially on the mass-immigration front.
For centuries Africa has been raped for her resources by all the usual suspects.
Yes ... indeed that happened.
Think Liberia. Clearly, there is not ONLY the consideration of Western Powers, Eastern Powers (China in the 14th century and Arabs since 622), and of course, the Africans themselves.
I would consider their own attitude to be at least 50% a contribution to their own lack of development. It is easy to blame western powers while ignoring the elephant in the room, if you'll forgive my ... flippant pun.
The problem usually is surrounded by a couple of issues.
First, the natural availability of water on the continent. It has a different rhythm than in more temperate climates, causing crops and yields to fail. Add in their own tribal and imperial ambitions, a low step on the development ladder and setback from time to tie are easy to explain. On this level, the slave trade was a minor issue.
And as long as several parties would not develop explosive devices, like guns and canon, the balance of power could be maintained. It is never easy to field a campaign to subdue peoples banding together against a common enemy far from home.
The force multiplier that guns and canon yields + steam engines ... yeah ... that does upset the balance of power. This leads to what we know now as colonialism by Portugese, Spanish, French, Italian, English, etc,
warring tribes?
Crooked Governments are always the root cause. Most of Africa was steeped in idol worship, witch doctors, and religious superstitions for centuries. The end result of that is that God gives them over to a debased mind, leading to all kinds of corruption, murder, envy, and strife.