Still trying to determine whether BioClandestine is just a spokes person for the Russian miltary. Says a lot of things that readers like, dishes it out like candy, but is it really any more accurate than any other disinformaton source? I don;t question that Ukraine has /had many illegally operated ans funded biolabs, and Putin destroyed them, but I do not think Russia (under this phoney Administration) is necssarily a friend in disguise.
Ukraine's Azov's are nothing more than reconstructed Nazis. You can cheer for Gog and Magog all you want. I am more in Reagan's Trust but Verify camp. And I am not in BioClandestine's camp at the moment.
Still trying to determine whether BioClandestine is just a spokes person for the Russian miltary. Says a lot of things that readers like, dishes it out like candy, but is it really any more accurate than any other disinformaton source? I don;t question that Ukraine has /had many illegally operated ans funded biolabs, and Putin destroyed them, but I do not think Russia (under this phoney Administration) is necssarily a friend in disguise.
Still trying to determine if you're a Ukraine bot or not, willing to toss Ukraine under the bus just enough to ultimately shit on Russia's motives.
Ukraine's Azov's are nothing more than reconstructed Nazis. You can cheer for Gog and Magog all you want. I am more in Reagan's Trust but Verify camp. And I am not in BioClandestine's camp at the moment.