My2SonsAreMarines 4 points ago +4 / -0

I literally hate this man, what he did,what he represents and what Pfizer did in league with the FDA and DoD re: CV-19 vacks.

That said, the technology of which he is speaking is not new and I have personal experience with the development and eventual approval for marketing of this technology, speaking as one who has had a career in pharmaceutical development spanning > 40 years.

My consulting firm furnished expertise to Otsuka's ABILIFY product line extension which is based on the MIND-1 technology platform. Patient compliance is not a dirty word or term. Too often patients do not derive the benefits of the medications they are prescribed simply due to their failure to take the medicines consistently and as prescribed .

This is particualrly true of patients requiring ABILFY (aripiprazole) which is indicated for patients suffering from schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, depression, and Tourette's syndrome. I began working with Otsuka in 2013, and ABILIFY was approved by FDA in 2017

The tech works like this: The tablet containing the drug is formulated with an Ingested Event Monitor (IEM) - literally a "battery" which goes live as the tablet disintegrates and the battery contacts stomach fluids. The IEM sends a signal to a small patch which the patient wears, typically on their arm, which in turn sends a signal to the "cloud" which the patient's physician can access and monitor as a regular and real-time follow up on the success of the therapy.

Similarly, and while not an IEM this kind of patch-to-cloud monitoring also exists as it has for many years for diabetes patients who are prescribed a patch to monitor and record sugar "spikes" themselves and also for their physiciani n real-time to monitor the course and effectiveness of diabetes medications which the patient is taking. My own brother in law has such a monitor, because his sugar spikes have been at times severe and his physician has an ability to provide close monitoring of his therapy remotely - without requiring him to come in for expensive and time consuming appointments.

My2SonsAreMarines 1 point ago +1 / -0

She did not look like this on Warroom which she hosted TODAY (10/15/2024). This looks like a touched up publicity photo, nothing more

My2SonsAreMarines 8 points ago +9 / -1

I am 43 career year scientist (biochemist) speaking here:

The fact is the evidence shows that you don't need rocket science to detect these kinds of things.

The science doesn't have to be difficult to be right, or to be credible.

There are plenty of "experts" with egos who will try to make things more difficult than they really are, just to puff themselves - too many are on the publish or perish treadmill, and rather than studying science and publishing from a position of objectivity, their narrative copy and conclusions are bought as sponsored.

A more difficult explanation doen't translate to more thoughtful explantion, when thought contortion is at the heart of the mental exercise made under a pretense of accomplishment.

My2SonsAreMarines 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wouldn't it have been cool if when Trump made him the offer he accepted it by giving Trump a salute and addressed him as the Commander in Chief?

My2SonsAreMarines 2 points ago +3 / -1

Ballistically Oswald could not possibly have been the only shooter. Even RFK, Jr. knows better that that. Get up to speed with this: "JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" https://rumble.com/embed/ucfsd.v306ls2/

My2SonsAreMarines 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, we know your type. "...and one of you say unto them, “Depart in peace; be ye warmed and filled,” without giving them those things which are needful to the body, what doth it profit?" James 2:16

WWJD? Playing that card again? Metallica lived by example. You pray, you say? How nice. The only example you set was to open this stupid thread and to criticize.

You have pointed to no meaningful action or physical contribution to relieve suffering --- perhaps just contrasting your somewhat less-than -fulsome efforts with those of Metallica - who for some stupid reason you think falls short in spite of donating $100K; you have done nothing personally that costs you anything to help anybody in Georgia, and North Carolina.

At best you are little better than Peter "When Peter therefore saw him, he said to Jesus, Lord, what shall this man do?" (John 21:21) -- you are so busy picking on everyone else and judging what Metallica are doing, you accomplish nothing meaningful yourself to reiieve anyone's suffering.

My2SonsAreMarines 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine an election where there is no Democrat President candidate to vote for.

One of those 9 rogue ManPads intended for Trump is manned by a DEI hire that mistakes AF-2 carrying Harris with TrumpForce-1 carrying Trump, and all of a sudden all those phony ballots cast for Harris (1) won't count (2) will have to be re-printed/re-issued with a new top ticket name - Walz is not automatically authorized to fill a vacancy like that, and all ballots cast/printed only feature him in the second slot.

My2SonsAreMarines 2 points ago +2 / -0

Call a spade a spade. Playing their word games only masks their crimes and when you cuck you become their enabler. It's a good expose because he doesn't mince words. You owe the Zionists no fealty.

My2SonsAreMarines 7 points ago +7 / -0

Saw it last night in Danbury, CT. Excellent movie. All good people will like it.

My2SonsAreMarines 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed, but not "controlled" as implied by this person. This person might actually be a plant intended to besmirch the reputation of the greatest President of our time prior to Trump -- who took out the forever war- mongering types as the Zionist's USSR and Warsaw Pact was made to collapse uner its own weight --- and Bush couldn't stop the momentum, like he did when the CCP in China was about to collapse under his Presidency.

My2SonsAreMarines 1 point ago +2 / -1

Merely parroting Zionist press smears reflects negatively on your intellect. You need to develop critcal thinking skills as opposed to just belching the gang-land consensus drivel of shows like "The View."

My2SonsAreMarines 1 point ago +1 / -0

"The New England states have close to 5% property taxes -- 4%+ of the purchase price PER YEAR.

That is just robbery."

Agree, but I live in CT in a house with property valued at just north of $1MM. Properrty tax where I live ~ 75 miles north of NYC is ~$14,000. Therefore, ~ 1.4% of total property value/yr, not 5%. Income tax @ 3- 6.99% and sales tax at 6.35% is brutal.

My2SonsAreMarines 2 points ago +3 / -1

Pay back private Central Bankers' debt-based money created from nothing with money created from nothing. Trump hinted at this. Monetize bitcoin as authorized Congress per Constitution. Pay off the debt present and future. All that debt goes "poof." Kind of like the old Hebrew 50-year Jubillee Year did. Repeal the Fed Res Act. Repeal the falsely-ratified 16th Amendment.

Freeze Congressional appropriations deflating the inflationary pressure of $ value of gold/ounce back to $2067 gold/oz.

Next freeze convertability of Fed Reserve note money then in circulation to $2067/oz gold. Issue new currency - United States Notes - valued at $20.67/oz gold denominated in US Notes. Effect price adjustment where Fed Res notes are made convertable at a rate of $1 US Note = $100 Fed res notes.

Re-denomination of assets takes place in terms of Treasury issued US Notes - backed by gold without debt accruing to private Central Bankers preserves the wealth of all as it re-orients the denomination of the US financial system.

Imagine 4-cents/gallon gas and spacious middle class affordable properties for $7K - 10k. Your $200,000/yr annual salary becomes $2000/yr but the money you have is actually valuable now, and no longer artificially inflated. Demands on one's income is also redenominated by a factor of 100x downward.

Result: very nearly pre-1913 era asset re-valuation with honest currency backed by gold at what was then the prevailing rate of $20.67/oz of gold and no more debt based currency + a debt free nation.

My2SonsAreMarines 1 point ago +1 / -0

" If a vigilante kills one of these demons who do you think will be blamed?" Like I said, and it still appears that you failed to read/comprehend: BLM/ANTIFA are the unmistake-able actors in this illustration. The left can and will whine about Trump's rhetoric even as MSNBC is doing right now in the wake of failed attempt #2. Let them.

" I want to see them hang after tribunals." You naiively trust the justice system. You want to see them hanged. Fine. I want them done in by their own. Much faster and far more instructive as an object lesson. Take your time trying BLM assassins - if they aren't Epsteined in custody. Seriously, get some perspective.

"These fucks would love to see Trump's head blown off. There rhetoric is not advocating for peace. They want violence" You've just made my case for swiftness.

My2SonsAreMarines 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Let's be the decent human beings we should be" so says the guy with the screen name "hotcrackpipe." ( /snark)

Decent human beings enjoy watching a good schadenfreud moment unfold every now and then.

The crack addled are free to express flaccid opinions, of course, based as they are on a poor command of reading comprehension, and - for what its worth - in this instance you certainly have.

Perhaps you don't understand what is meant by the metaphor: "the tail of the snake taking out the head"?

My2SonsAreMarines 1 point ago +1 / -0

"We don't want that" Virtue signaling pearl clutching is for their side, not ours. Have you no historical pespective?

Heve you never read Napoleon? Napoleon said 'Never interfere with an enemy while he's in the process of destroying himself.'

Why would you not want the enemy to destroy themeselves?

Do you also oppose the actions of the on-side "conspirators" that almost took out Hitler? Was the Union side not benefitted by the friendly fire that took down Stonewall Jackson?

Why wouldn't we want our opposition's plans and methods intended to destroy us blow up in their face instead, which in turn leads to the added benefit of prosecutions of BLM types that have been denied for years? Turn about is fair play. Don't let their too clever by half crisis go to waste

So I'll ask you again: Why would you not want the enemy to destroy themeselves -- by their own hand and by their own methods?

Have you no appreciation for poetic justice -- an enemy destroyed by their own designs?

They have openly tried twice to take out our guy - never mind all the other times we don't know about -- and they may still try again. The latest would be assassin got caught and is in FL custody - not the Feds. Feds fucked up. Their inside mole is now exposed - the guy who fed this assassin Trump's schedule. The deep state is getting sloppy. Wouldn't it be poetic justice for them to get so sloppy again that the next MKUltra pawn misses and on a third violent occasion they instead take out their own guy?

I marvel at the possibility of the tail of the snake taking out the head and all you can say is "we don't want that"?

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