Your speculation is shared:
Why not just make an offer to buy Cuba too, throw the Chinks, their boats, radar and missiles out of there too? I am serious. Yes, Greenland, but let's throw the Commies out of our hemisphere. Make the Monroe Doctrine Enforcable Again
CCP is feeding and exploiting this situation.
No he's not. He is by his own telling, at least since 2014, he describes himself as a "somewhat lapsed" member of the Church of England.
No education. No career. No staying power. No surprise.
If so, what does this say about Dr. Robert Malone ( ), often interviewed on Bannon's Warroom, who claims to be the inventor of the mRNA technologies that were formulated into the CV-19 shots, and who is routinely interviewed standing in front of his brass-enshrined patent placards? He is outspoken against the shots today, yet admits to taking at least one of the shots himself. I cannot recall his expressing any regret for having a hand in the invention thereof.
TL;DR? The fact that you are so butt hurt suggests otherwise.
That you consider my life story as an "anecdote" of success simply reveals that you don't make it a point to surround yourself with the company of successful and truly accomplished persons, from whom you can learn a thing or two, as I do. Mine is only one of many similar stories. I am no one special. Any reasonably intelligent person can apply a sense of stick-to-it-iveness, hard work, sacrifice, academic accomplishment in worthwhile, objectively assessable and credentialed fields of study and arrive at the satisfying and happy near retirement as I have.
Your original posting was little more than a wailing litany of resentments. No evidence exists in anything you wrote that indicates that you "fantastically succeeded" at anything more than possibly becoming a drone and possibly losing your job to a sanskrit, when the true value of your self-styled in-substantially disciplined education and thinking skills deficits became apparent, and you may not have survived the competence v. cost comparison.
"The physics, chemistry, biochemistry, math, programming and business degrees YES could have come from books and nowadays, online teaching."
Is that what your clearly deficient infant internet board "education" taught you? Mere self-validation does not equate with acquiring seasoned critical thinking skills. Self validation leads to a mistaken sense self importance, and too often leads to an inability to be taught by others more accomplished than you are or ever were. People like you typically don't advance in your career because you come off as an insufferable, demonstrably incompetent know-it-all, incapable of managing change. You alone think you're great, but in truth you add no meaningful value to the employer, team, organization, or client that is measure-able enough to keep you gainfully employed.
You are THAT guy about which I spoke earlier who likely didn't have the chops or personal discipline for completing intellectually challenging academic programs, which in turn contribute to cultivation of an intellectual maturity and reasoning skills, borne of formalized and disciplined thought that opens the door wide for enjoyment of personal and career successes.
I'll challenge you to identify just one duly accredited degree program of merit in physics, chemistry, or biochemistry anywhere that relies only on textbooks and online classes. Course work in these disciplines requires a substantial number of laboratory credits and requires a cultivation of scientific reasoning through instruction beyond what mere texts contain. That kind of learning is achieved at a level requiring disciplined mental maturity which is not accomplished through online classes, or in diaper level chat rooms. Texts and online resources are merely a starting place for learning, but your presently immature level of understanding equates what may be appreciated as some tools of learning with the actual end point of learning itself.
" I learned most on my own, from the libraries and the infant internet bulletin boards."
"infant internet boards"? Listen to yourself. Education out of the mouths of babes, was it? Next thing you'll tell us how you mastered 8-bit on the "Trash-80," and wrote "cpm" and PeachText string onto 12" floppies, and somehow you'll expect readers to be impressed. What value have you added to tech lately without being able to rely on "infant internet boards" anymore? You whine today likely because your self-styled "education" did not prepare you to survive in a line of work that soon outpaced your competence and ability to keep up with the changes.
What ever it was you allegedly learned on your own was inadequate to deliver an education and a successful career path suitable to prevent you from whining about what you mistakenly conclude is supposedly every one else's fault but your own to be able to keep up at this stage of your life.
I provided my story as a testament to a successful career path accomplished in part through rigorous academic training, the type of which you resentfully derided, yet which for me by contrast has led to this present level of satisfying career success.
"I have one too and it matters not a whit to the rest of the country, bless your defensive little heart."
One reasonably expects that if your story was worth telling at all for purposes of acquainting readers with any meaningful successes you would have already done so.
"Very few 'higher institutions' even provide a reasonable education and almost none at a reasonable price.... Medical pharmaceutical agent system is a sham, law perhaps may be worthwhile if you're unafraid of losing everything fighting for right and just causes, otherwise I guarantee you will be able to find all the information you need outside of those pricey classes."
People who write like this more often than not simply did not have the chops to perform academically and to parlay their academic success into gainful employment. And no - you will NOT be able to find all the information you need outside of those "pricey" classes. My current bill rate is $750/hr in part because I successfully completed course work, which included "pricey classes," some years ago and I am paid handsomely for what I know and what I do. It was not an easy road to get to this place.
I began my career 43 years ago as temporary lab tech holding 2 BS degrees in Biology and Chemistry (not-Ivy league). I had no scholarships and put myself through college working full time in retail and accounting. Entered pharma research, married my wife (celebrating 40 years this year), entered my first Masters program and completed a MS Biochemistry in 3 years - all night school + thesis. We had 2 children during the time I completed a second Masters in Business (MBA) in 3 years- also night school + thesis. After 10 career years in industry I went to work as a Review Chemist at FDA for 2 years, had 2 more children for 4 total while my wife - a STEM/business grad became a Director of R&D for her company.
I left FDA, returned to the pharma industry in regulatory affairs for another few years, left there, and launched my own consulting firm 29 years ago. Includes work in the legal field serving as a Subject Matter Expert Witness. I live in New England. My 6000 sq. ft. house on 2 acres was paid off 10 years ago. I plan to retire in 2 years. I billed ~ $1MM each of the last two years and our 401(k) is at multi-millions. Took parents in until they passed. Inherited little to nothing - did not outweigh the cost for their care. I and my family are happily un-vaxxed and I turned away business that required vaxxes. All kids college educated and gainfully employed - 3 of 4 hold Masters degrees. Two hold STEM MS's.
I have respect for tradesmen -- one of my grandfathers was a carpenter, and the other was an optician back in the day when they ground their own lenses. My dad was a doctor, wife's dad was a union card carrying electrician. Carpentry and electrical work last as long as the body can physically hold out - both can be brutal on the joints.
Bottom line- Proof's in the pudding: nothing beats stick-to-it-iveness, hard work, sacrifice, academic accomplishment in worthwhile fields of study, avoiding non-manageable debt loads, ultimately becoming debt free, and setting worthwhile goals - and giving thanks along the way for God's blessings. Success in building a career and a business often means more than just investing 40hrs/5 days a week. Too many fail to succeed because they get in their own way -- the willingness to do the hard work, to perform academically, to train adequately, to mature in their perspectives, and to plan their lives in ways that make good use of time too often is simply not there.
"Well Buzz has tried to tell us many times in his own way through snark and faux mockery that he DIDNT walk on the moon..."
Buzz Aldrin endorsed Trump in 2024 and continues in his endorsement to affirm that he walked on the moon.
"...From the skies over Korea in air-to-air combat to navigating, landing, and walking on the Moon, I appreciate this kind of pressure.... "
As a man of deep Christian faith Buzz Aldrin performed his own communion service while in the landing capsule on the moon, in spite of the controversy raised by atheist Madeline Murray O'Hare which was defeated in US District court over the fact that the three astronauts in Apollo 8 took turns reading from Genesis 1, as they circled the moon on Christmas Eve, 1968
I prefer to believe Aldrin's first person testimony over that of latter-day guttersnipes which say otherwise and who do so for their own smarmy ego driven purposes.
I had the privilege of being alive and watching the telecasts of the moon missions involving Apollo 8 and Apollo 11, et. al. in real time. It is sad to see how some born after these events have entertained misplaced seeds of doubt.
I like Candace generally. I am not with her on this one. If she wants a balanced interview, she should request one with Aldrin while she still can - I'd invite Tucker to consider doing the same.
They weren't all elderly, though some certainly were. See my account in this thread.
One of my sons and I were present at the "Million Veteran March on the Monuments" in October, 2013 during the shut-down.
The Viet Nam, WWII, and Korean War memorials were surrounded by bike racks and cordoned off. We went to the memorials anyway and rallied with speakers like Sarah Palin, Sen Ted Cruz - who led the filibuster, Congressman Dick Armey, Col. Bob Manness, Larry Klayman Jenny Beth Martin, several retired Military Generals, et. al.
We marched to the White House with the bike racks and dumped them outside the gates. See this video: After demonstrating there peacefully, the DC Police who were on the far side of the plaza brandishing bully clubs ran toward us barking commands through bull horns -- eventually dispersing our crowd.
We were all mostly comprised of Tea Party Patriots many of whom were veterans, and included members of the DC Chapter of FreeRepublic, "FReepers."
Recall Megyn Kelley launched her TV show on Fox in October 2013 during the shut down, and her first guest was Ted Cruz.
The (R)'s took the House in 2010, held on through 2012, but in part because of the budget shut down in 2013, (R)'s took the Senate in 2014.
Fine. Be territories before being admitted as states. Go through the formality. What provision in the Constitution places a time frame on how long a land mass must exist as a territory before it can be admitted as a State? If none, it could be as simple as signing a territoriality agreement immediately followed by admission into the Union as a petition for Statehood. As someone wrote elsewhere on this thread, when the US was founded and still functioning under the Articles of Confederation, there was a provision for Canada to be able to freely join the US if it so chose, and to do so without requiring further permissions from the colonies.
Your point does not materially impact the substance of what my proposal is.
In order to make this work Canadians should vote for this as a referendum and approve joining the US, Provinces on equal par with current States only with a 75% voting consensus.
The will of the Canadian people should drive this, and full allegiance to the USA should be a non-negotiable requirement. We will not put maple leaves on the US flag to substitute for stars that represent the other states.
Respective Provinces which would become States should hold the referendum in their individual Provinces. It should not be all-or-nothing prospect -- If Quebec wants to go its own way, let it. They can call themselves the nation of Quebec if they want. The USA can absorb all the rest of Provinces and territories with Canadian citizen 75% referendum as the formal construct of Canada is dissolved in favor of unity with the United States.
Naturally occurring or from aluminum and steel processing slag? May make a meaningful difference.
Back in the 1950's-60's, teeth of American Indian tribes were studied by the American Dental Association and found to be in a particularly healthy condition, and it was attributed at the time to the fact that their ground water contained a meaningful amount of fluoride. Based on this, the metal processing industry used this finding to justify the disposal of metal processing run off environmentally containing "fluoride," promoting the adding of "Fluoride" to municipal water supplies, and prevailing upon FDA to approve its use in formulations by toothpaste manufacturers under the guise of promoting healthy teeth in the populace at large. Detection of fluoride in ground water vs. being present as a matter of municipal fluoro-fortification of water would be obfuscated.
Costly waste disposal floated under the guise of "heath" promotion. What a concept!
Consider arsenic for instance. Organic arsenic is present in soil everywhere. It is generally not toxic to humans. Inorganic arsenic by contrast is extremely toxic to humans. It may be that organically bound fluoride as might be present in the water where the Indian tribes lived that was studied by ADA is beneficial to teeth maintenance, but the fluoride generated from metal processing is of a different type that results in deleterious health effects, but the concept of "fluoridation" has been normalized in public policy for American society for over 60 years.
GROK or ChatGPT? You've got to be kidding. / You put your faith in AI to form your premise and write your opinions?
"Fraud Vitiates Everything" is applicable in a civil case, you say, but this does not form an adequate basis for asserting the same in a criminal case? US v. Throckmorton is a Federal ruling. Fraud may be charged both civilly and criminally.
You have not done deep research at all. Your ChatGPT wisdom makes a distinction without a difference.
Consult a real lawyer who argues cases in front of the Federal bench, and try to convince him that fraud does not vitiate everything in a criminal case.
Do some real research next time instead of having AI do your ghost writing.
Read her 2018 blog linked here. Salacious details. She lost me at the place where she claimed Billy Graham was a pedo who raped her. If it happened during Nixon's tenure this would have been ~ 50 years ago.
Pedos don't rape just one kid. It is a compulsion for them. I am not a bg fan of Graham's, but Graham's name would have surfaced in the pedo context long before this chick came up with her smear. How many other "janie-come-lately's" emerge from the dreck claiming to be rape survivors and seemingly choose to concentrate accusations on those persons who are paragons of conservatism?
She may have been porked by Kidman. Who knows. She writes novels. She can spare us her fantasy accusations dished without sauce. She's just another Blasey-Ford ( of Kavanaugh accusation fame) until then.
My dad had a Ouija board as a kid back in the 1940's, and we found it in the early 1970's and decided it should no longer exist in our house. We were burning a fire one evening and decided to throw the board into the fire place to do away wth it. There was a lacquer coating on the board that flamed up really hot and unknown to us this sent billows of firey ash up the chimney.
A guy happended to be walking by our house and he came up to the door, knocking on it vigorously. He alerted us to the fact that he saw enflamed ashes billowing out of the chimney and some were landing on the cedar-shake roof.
Thankfully for us although it was windy, it was also raining, and the flaming ashes extinguished themselves (God Himself extinguished them) without presenting any harm. Had it been a dry night, it is very possible the late 1800's Victorian house would have caught fire on the roof and been burned down.
Hey Mike, how about release those 40,000 hours of J6 tapes that MCarthy wouldn't now that the Turtle isn't Senate majority leader, who was supposedly blocking the release to protect the Senate's Seargeant at Arms.
"I contacted Gen Benton K. Partin days after the bombing and asked for a copy of the report he sent to congress." "Days" after the bombing? You can't be serious.
The bombing was April 19, 1995 and Partin's report was sent to Congress on July 30, 1995
Some "JesusPatriot" you are. Jesus is not a loser and patriots don't whine. You're such a loser, you don't even know what winning looks like.
You are so blinded by your preferred miserable outlook, it's like you're not happy unless you're depressed.
Take your whining hyperventilation somewhere else.
The rest of us will enjoy the winning over here.
Dominate the Earth aka the Cultrual Mandate:
A reasonable AI rendering thereof:
The cultural mandate is a biblical command that appears in Genesis 1:28, and is interpreted as God's instruction to humans to fill the earth with their creations and subdue it:
Genesis 1:28: "And God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth'"
The cultural mandate is also known as the creation mandate. It is considered the first calling in the Bible, and is given to all humans as representatives of God's image. The mandate is interpreted to mean that humans have a God-given ability to create and shape the world, and that they should partner with God in this work.
"House Majority Leader?" You look like an absolute fool posting this thread, and posters who have failed to pick up on this are equally stupid.
And the list is incorrect. Katie Britt as an example made it point to issue a letter to say that she supported Scott.
Pull your thread. You have caused 24 posters to look like knee jerk idiots for not paying attention to the simplest, verifiable facts.
",,,the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed, and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine....
The terms Fascist, political Zionists, Nazism, "state of Israel" were not in existence in 1871. The alleged quotation attributed to Pike is suspect.
Fasci "groups of men organized for political purposes" had been a feature of Sicily since c. 1895
Nazi 1930, noun and adjective, from German Nazi, abbreviation of German pronunciation of Nationalsozialist
Zionism 1896, "movement for forming (later supporting) a Jewish national state in Palestine," from German Zionismus