I'm going to repost this comment from another thread because I see his ghoulish face and I just need to say my peace again. This man took many loved ones from people in many countries and permanently damaged even more. If you are of a certain age group and went over there yourself or knew someone who did you know the emotions I feel surrounding this vile man and the events of the Bush the Lesser years.
It was a bad time. A very bad time. We came closer to the nadir of hope and truth than ever before in our history... in fact I think we bottomed out there, in some ways, and as tough as times are today, they are still better than those years. At least we aren't blind anymore, back then we were suffering so much. We bore many losses in the conflict AND we had no foothold to start the long climb out of the horrifying vision of reality they imprisoned us in. We at least are organized, awake and aware now. We have a north star to follow and we've risen to our feet and begun the long walk together, and I believe that it's getting brighter every step of the way. We're not pretending we can tolerate monsters like this man in our world anymore and that MUST be a good thing.
Sorry to be such a windbag, but this man made my life a very unbearable place once before and I want to KNOW WITHOUT DOUBT he can never do that to me or anyone else again. If you went, you know. If you know someone, you know. That's why the words we speak and moves we make today MUST BE SUCCESSFUL ... because some of us can't bear the weight of living on, if it was all for nothing....
I digress though...Liz better hope this only airs in local pockets or at inconsequential times because it'll likely kill whatever votes and enthusiasm she has remaining (which is almost certainly near 100% Democrats).
The idea that this archvillain vampire would come out and speak gravelly Darth Vader intonations in a fucking cowboy hat and HELP her cause.... well. It really tells you about the UTTER LUNACY AND DESPERATION of these sadistic freaks.
... the arrogance of these people... the idea that Dick fuckin' Cheney would call someone a coward, would discuss the use of - get this - VIOLENCE to shape a political narrative... welp partner ::spits:: that's the most resounding endorsement anyone could ever possibly hear for Donald Trump. It strengthens my belief in him TenFold.
After a once in a lifetime turn by Christian Bale that rivaled a Daniel Day Lewis performance in the movie Vice, I am really surprised they DON'T know we've thoroughly wiped the floor with this man and his reputation. A paranoid, fearful creature shuffling around a bunker, thumbing with grubby digits through to-be classified paperwork, clicking buttons on phones and speaking mealy mouthed little words into them, recordings that are likely forever redacted and out of sight from honest Americans and the light of the truth.
YOU are the coward, Dick. A sad Quasimodo form: your misshapen body that became as twisted as your heart and your insides.
You're the fearmongering, violence loving, orb weaver that put Donald Trump into OUR orbit. You're the sad, lonely little marionette maker who ate through the money and power until nothing was enough to satisfy your tastebuds and all that remained was rotten. You're the black heart, the criminal of war, the saboteur to young life and good nature that stood in the shadows and dreamt of nightmares made flesh. You're the betrayer, the abuser of those moments where fate called for greatness and courage in action, and you fell short and slithered away leaving a trail of human life lost, crumpled up in your hand like a paper ball.
Your daughter's legacy will be one where she failed to WHITEWASH your crimes. In her feeble attempts to garble and transpose you with a real hero who undoes the violence you caused, the blood you shed, the evil you wrought on the world in the name of God and country, selfish legacy and familial glory. We'll undo what you did and your great shame will be living to see it and being powerless to stop it. You're the bastard, you're the lunatic, you've been that all along. How could you see yourself any other way: you took the easy way out, and you'll live long enough to see yourself become a villain at center stage once more.
The name of Cheney will be likened to Hitler one day: worse in fact, and deservingly so. I pray all of you live to see it happen.
Really though. Archbishop of evil. One of the most unholy of the unholies, in my mind. Been that way a long time. But it IS important to laugh when you can. People like them are so bad it really IS clown world
I'm going to repost this comment from another thread because I see his ghoulish face and I just need to say my peace again. This man took many loved ones from people in many countries and permanently damaged even more. If you are of a certain age group and went over there yourself or knew someone who did you know the emotions I feel surrounding this vile man and the events of the Bush the Lesser years.
It was a bad time. A very bad time. We came closer to the nadir of hope and truth than ever before in our history... in fact I think we bottomed out there, in some ways, and as tough as times are today, they are still better than those years. At least we aren't blind anymore, back then we were suffering so much. We bore many losses in the conflict AND we had no foothold to start the long climb out of the horrifying vision of reality they imprisoned us in. We at least are organized, awake and aware now. We have a north star to follow and we've risen to our feet and begun the long walk together, and I believe that it's getting brighter every step of the way. We're not pretending we can tolerate monsters like this man in our world anymore and that MUST be a good thing.
Sorry to be such a windbag, but this man made my life a very unbearable place once before and I want to KNOW WITHOUT DOUBT he can never do that to me or anyone else again. If you went, you know. If you know someone, you know. That's why the words we speak and moves we make today MUST BE SUCCESSFUL ... because some of us can't bear the weight of living on, if it was all for nothing....
I digress though...Liz better hope this only airs in local pockets or at inconsequential times because it'll likely kill whatever votes and enthusiasm she has remaining (which is almost certainly near 100% Democrats).
The idea that this archvillain vampire would come out and speak gravelly Darth Vader intonations in a fucking cowboy hat and HELP her cause.... well. It really tells you about the UTTER LUNACY AND DESPERATION of these sadistic freaks.
... the arrogance of these people... the idea that Dick fuckin' Cheney would call someone a coward, would discuss the use of - get this - VIOLENCE to shape a political narrative... welp partner ::spits:: that's the most resounding endorsement anyone could ever possibly hear for Donald Trump. It strengthens my belief in him TenFold.
After a once in a lifetime turn by Christian Bale that rivaled a Daniel Day Lewis performance in the movie Vice, I am really surprised they DON'T know we've thoroughly wiped the floor with this man and his reputation. A paranoid, fearful creature shuffling around a bunker, thumbing with grubby digits through to-be classified paperwork, clicking buttons on phones and speaking mealy mouthed little words into them, recordings that are likely forever redacted and out of sight from honest Americans and the light of the truth.
YOU are the coward, Dick. A sad Quasimodo form: your misshapen body that became as twisted as your heart and your insides.
You're the fearmongering, violence loving, orb weaver that put Donald Trump into OUR orbit. You're the sad, lonely little marionette maker who ate through the money and power until nothing was enough to satisfy your tastebuds and all that remained was rotten. You're the black heart, the criminal of war, the saboteur to young life and good nature that stood in the shadows and dreamt of nightmares made flesh. You're the betrayer, the abuser of those moments where fate called for greatness and courage in action, and you fell short and slithered away leaving a trail of human life lost, crumpled up in your hand like a paper ball.
Your daughter's legacy will be one where she failed to WHITEWASH your crimes. In her feeble attempts to garble and transpose you with a real hero who undoes the violence you caused, the blood you shed, the evil you wrought on the world in the name of God and country, selfish legacy and familial glory. We'll undo what you did and your great shame will be living to see it and being powerless to stop it. You're the bastard, you're the lunatic, you've been that all along. How could you see yourself any other way: you took the easy way out, and you'll live long enough to see yourself become a villain at center stage once more.
The name of Cheney will be likened to Hitler one day: worse in fact, and deservingly so. I pray all of you live to see it happen.
Wow, that's powerful. I'm glad you put your thoughts down here. Thank you for what you have done and said. May Blessings wash over you.
Thank you so much! Godspeed. Comes from the heart sometimes.
Can you just tell us how you really feel about him?😬
Really though. Archbishop of evil. One of the most unholy of the unholies, in my mind. Been that way a long time. But it IS important to laugh when you can. People like them are so bad it really IS clown world
You're a true wordsmith. Feels like I just surfed your emotional point break. Damn...just damn. Thanks for sharing and God bless!
Wishing i said that. Let's let dickhead see how irrelevant he and his devil spawn family are.
Respect & love man; that's what I have for you.