Yes, there's definitely a problem. When previous 'vaccines' given out caused 50+ deaths, that vaxx was removed from the market IMMEDIATELY.
Today we have literally thousands of deaths from this Covid 'vaccine' and no one does a thing to remove fact, the media covers up and lies about it's safety and effectiveness. Not only that but the FDA 'GREEN LIGHTS' this vaxx for full scale production and are ADDING additional age groups they can be administered to. Absolute Clown~World at this point.
There is real agenda to rid the world of people...PEOPLE THEY DON'T LIKE....AND..these pharma experiments (in which you're the lab rats) will determine which RACES, ETHNICITIES, NATIONALITIES, ETC these poisonous jabs work the best on removing.
Take a hard look at these facts and you'll find your answer.
Scary article.
Yes, there's definitely a problem. When previous 'vaccines' given out caused 50+ deaths, that vaxx was removed from the market IMMEDIATELY.
Today we have literally thousands of deaths from this Covid 'vaccine' and no one does a thing to remove fact, the media covers up and lies about it's safety and effectiveness. Not only that but the FDA 'GREEN LIGHTS' this vaxx for full scale production and are ADDING additional age groups they can be administered to. Absolute Clown~World at this point.
There is real agenda to rid the world of people...PEOPLE THEY DON'T LIKE....AND..these pharma experiments (in which you're the lab rats) will determine which RACES, ETHNICITIES, NATIONALITIES, ETC these poisonous jabs work the best on removing.
Take a hard look at these facts and you'll find your answer.