The decision makers at that pharmacy who were helping to push the vax are prob cringing so hard at that statement. That 100% sounds like some shit that was said to this employee that she wasn't "supposed to" repeat to patients and the fact that she is makes me laugh so fucking hard. It's entirely aside from how wantonly unethical every single goddamn thing surrounding all of this is, but I'm imagining it in the context of like:
Store owner creates BOGO sale, mentioning to employees "yeah now these idiots who only need 1 will come in and buy two" - and then an employee, later when a customer inquires about the sale says "yes so you idiots who need one will buy two"
I am curious to see how liable the pharmacy will be held for the employee saying this. I'm sure they'll scrape together some bullshit defense about this "not being their official stance" and then they'll go on to blame the employee 100% and fire her, pinning all the blame on her and ruining her life. I'm not against this woman getting exactly what she deserves if she's pushing the vax and this bullshit rhetoric but on some level it is true that she was following orders and those people need to be held accountable too.
"We might scare the parents and the parents won't let us vaccinate them" !!!!!!!
The decision makers at that pharmacy who were helping to push the vax are prob cringing so hard at that statement. That 100% sounds like some shit that was said to this employee that she wasn't "supposed to" repeat to patients and the fact that she is makes me laugh so fucking hard. It's entirely aside from how wantonly unethical every single goddamn thing surrounding all of this is, but I'm imagining it in the context of like: Store owner creates BOGO sale, mentioning to employees "yeah now these idiots who only need 1 will come in and buy two" - and then an employee, later when a customer inquires about the sale says "yes so you idiots who need one will buy two"
I am curious to see how liable the pharmacy will be held for the employee saying this. I'm sure they'll scrape together some bullshit defense about this "not being their official stance" and then they'll go on to blame the employee 100% and fire her, pinning all the blame on her and ruining her life. I'm not against this woman getting exactly what she deserves if she's pushing the vax and this bullshit rhetoric but on some level it is true that she was following orders and those people need to be held accountable too.