What has been your favorite rabbit hole to explore since you’ve awoken? Looking for ideas and also genuinely curious!
I’m genuinely curious what interesting rabbit holes have been explored by other anons and which ones still keep you going back for more.
Small rabbit hole the other week looking at street views in Antarctica on Google Earth. One point was very green and had flowers in it, but I cannot find it now, maybe removed. Have a screenshot though with coordinates (75 54 08S 0 21 05E for anyone curious).
Another of some office building: https://earth.app.goo.gl/?link=https://earth.google.com/web/@-89.9381396,16.0228261,2935.01691429a,0d,90y,348.13668094h,85.37040092t,0r/data%3DIjAKLEFGMVFpcE5yd2s4YkdJM0FuS0F5R08wbkwtUUFoSm5vZGpTRzNiSEVyRk92EAU?fdl%3D1&apn=com.google.earth&isi=293622097&ibi=com.google.b612&ius=googleearth&cid=1426934082542378671&_icp=1
Coordinate link yields nothing, but the longer link is interesting. If you magnify the window area you see tall buildings and bushes outside.