DagnyDocket 4 points ago +4 / -0

I thought "can't that be fixed with pesticides?" And then I remembered I hear both views from both sides on them: some say they're good because they end pests, others say they poison us when we eat fruits and vegetables and that we should eat "organic" for this reason.

Not one or the other. Chemicals can kill. That includes humans. Roundup, atrazine, etc. without any deep research pause and ask - if it’s used to kill a life form, will it harm me since I’m alive?

The emerald ash borer is invasive, not native to North America. Normal predators seem to be lacking that are present to keep it in check in Asia. Nature will balance things out and it seems in North America the ash has been declining.

No expert here, just my two cents. Also…


DagnyDocket 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agree with others on the handshake part. Did your posts have actual content? I see 2 posts in your history but they are just titles, so not much to drive engagement.

DagnyDocket 7 points ago +7 / -0

I mean, if his family are Trump supporters they’re probably safer without SS based on recent events.

DagnyDocket 3 points ago +3 / -0

Waking in progress. If her patients are a numerator over unvaxxed denominator that feeds into an overall safety signal, she’s a ways to go.

Class action lawsuits are very effective.

DagnyDocket 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even muted it was offensive. Remember when magazine racks had modesty covers? Need that tv equivalent lol

DagnyDocket 5 points ago +5 / -0

God bless you all. Glad it went this way!

DagnyDocket 6 points ago +6 / -0

Watched The Magic Pill on Tubi recently and could hardly believe the ads. Some drug for HIV/AIDS glamorizing the lifestyles of those who contract it. Then one for something like a razor, but it shows the dad shaving his leg to teach the young girl how to shave. Ugh.

Show itself was good, though. Various diseases essentially cured or effectively treated by low carb/grain diet. Time to invert the food pyramid! I also found a new word: nhangining.

“ It's not even food. It's "nhangining." "Nhangining". meaning "non-edible."”

DagnyDocket 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have noticed chemtrail clouds in newer cartoons. Wonder if animators even know the difference themselves.

DagnyDocket 4 points ago +4 / -0

Was his body ever released? Need to go back to that rabbit hole, I suppose.

Edit: As of last September his body was still in a Spanish morgue. 🤔

DagnyDocket 3 points ago +3 / -0

Heard Erik Prince launched Unplugged. Not sure about Musk.

DagnyDocket 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yep, been waiting. He said that’s deadline for coming forward or however he phrased it.

DagnyDocket 3 points ago +3 / -0

How and where do you go to get such a thing? Are different doses offered? I hear about this but have never figured it out.

DagnyDocket 1 point ago +2 / -1


At some point I saw a protocol that mentioned doubling the IVM for a kick-start but cannot find that. The link above has solid info. Paste is good.

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