What has been your favorite rabbit hole to explore since you’ve awoken? Looking for ideas and also genuinely curious!
I’m genuinely curious what interesting rabbit holes have been explored by other anons and which ones still keep you going back for more.
Yup. All "planes" were CGI. Explosions were real. This is a HUGE revelation for normies. We've all seen the "planes" hit the building what, a hundred times? So it's 2nd nature... that means it takes conscious work to rewire your brain so you admit to yourself you were duped AND you remember there were no planes...Now do that same thing for nearly everything else as you find truth that resonates with you. Personally, the World Fair photos circa late 1800s were a real eye opener. Don't know about the whole Tartaria thing, but that certainly was on old maps... but the reality of the buildings and the technology they had back then brings up questions the bs narrative we were sold can't answer. There's an absolutely HUGE block of American and world history that's been glossed over, buried or forgotten about and only 120 or so years ago. If you haven't looked, take a peek at the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 and really look at the city at that time. It's an absolute jewel - and they destroyed it... along with similar structures around the world at the same time. Now... here's an interesting fact that I think goes along with the erasing of our history: Columbus State Hospital, also known as Ohio State Hospital for Insane, was the largest building in the world before the Pentagon was built in 1943. So, if you didn't go along with the program, you got stuffed into the booby hatch. Incidentally, there are massive buildings out west (literally old world castles with a checkered when built history), like Utah, with nothing around for miles, that were insane asylums in the late 1800s. No way a bunch of 1849 gold rush knuckle draggers built that... and the list goes on and on...
Lol…SLC Utah was built by Mormon pioneers, not gold rushers. I can’t comment on the rest of your response but I had to clarify what I do know.