Dave job is to Redpill the normies. Seems from comments he has done well. He never goes too deep and stays inside a defined stream of information. A Stepping Stone to other deeper truths. It's almost like there is an Operation Stepping Stone that has this info release controlled and logical and importantly on message. Dave has stuck to it perfectly with his consistent message. For those of us who also found Daves place an anchor in the storm, eventually you gotta pul the anchor up and go back into the storm to see deeper. Dave was a grade many of us already graduated from. The milk. Very thankful for Dave's faithfulness, but many of us had to move to meatier parts of the cow.
Good point. I find it's very easy to point people towards X22 report, and get some to start watching it. A lot of other podcasts are just too far out there for many people (including me - I don't have time for weird theories, I just want truthful news, which is why I come here).
It's almost like there is an Operation Stepping Stone that has this info release controlled and logical and importantly on message
I've always understood it in the following way, and nothing about the Great Awakening dissuades me that it's not an accurate picture:
The Spirit World is real. God the Father is the center of the Spirit World, the Source of love and truth. The Son is the manifestation of the Father in the created world. The Son comes from the Root - the Father - and is the Father's manifestation in created form.
The spirit world is not unified. It stretches from the highest of the high place, where the Father dwells - aka Heaven, and manifests via the Son, to the lowest of low, the darkest, coldest regions, furthest from the Father - aka Hell. There are myriad levels between, all reflecting the different levels of consciousness of those who have passed to (humans) or who originate from (angels) the spirit world. (Yes, there are demarcation points, and borders of jurisdiction, but between those points, there are still many, many levels determined by quality of heart and consciousness.)
Collectively, Heaven operates via the Son, the Saints surrounding and cooperating with him, the spirits of good men and women who lived righteous lives, plus the angelic realms. There is HQ in Heaven. Plans are made, strategies designed and implemented. Based on those plans, which are designed around God's Purpose and Will, the Heavenly realms engage with those who live on earth, to inspire them, guide them, and work with them, to accomplish the myriad goals of goodness that advances Heaven's agenda.
Even if there are those on earth who do not consciously or actively coordinate with each other, because they are inspired by the central source in Heaven, they naturally coordinate.
So yeah, the Heavenly realms definitely design how to get the information out, how to wake up this sector, that sector, these people, those people, and bring them together with those over there, etc. And, people whose hearts are aligned, of good character, pick up the inspiration and act on it. People like Dave. People like you and me.
Thus, we might get the impression that someone is organizing and coordinating the different operations we see, but in many, many cases, it is the Heavenly Realms that are coordinating these, even though the instruments on Earth are not themselves actually deliberately coordinating with each other.
If we don't understand that Heaven is the primary architect, and that Heaven DOES plan, design strategies, and move to influence and guide, we might postulate some hidden coordinating operation (aka "the White Hats"), even where it does not exist in the Earthly realm.
Sure, the White Hats exists, but in my view, they are inspired, and guided, by Heaven's over-arching activities, and so many, many other things happening are NOT by design by the White Hats, but rather, by the Heavenly HQ and Heavenly forces, of whom Christ is the center and the Great General.
Think of the Heavenly Realms as having the biggest, largest and most powerful supercomputer functions that have ever existed. Quantum AI will ever only be a pale shadow to the imaginative, fully functioning cognitive, analytical and planning power of the Father, the Son, and the Agents of Heaven.
Just as Lucifer will NEVER even come close to reaching God's perfect glory.
Anyhow, that's how I see it. And things that happen that I can observe have consistently reinforced this particular view over many decades of life.
Dave job is to Redpill the normies. Seems from comments he has done well. He never goes too deep and stays inside a defined stream of information. A Stepping Stone to other deeper truths. It's almost like there is an Operation Stepping Stone that has this info release controlled and logical and importantly on message. Dave has stuck to it perfectly with his consistent message. For those of us who also found Daves place an anchor in the storm, eventually you gotta pul the anchor up and go back into the storm to see deeper. Dave was a grade many of us already graduated from. The milk. Very thankful for Dave's faithfulness, but many of us had to move to meatier parts of the cow.
Good point. I find it's very easy to point people towards X22 report, and get some to start watching it. A lot of other podcasts are just too far out there for many people (including me - I don't have time for weird theories, I just want truthful news, which is why I come here).
I've always understood it in the following way, and nothing about the Great Awakening dissuades me that it's not an accurate picture:
The Spirit World is real. God the Father is the center of the Spirit World, the Source of love and truth. The Son is the manifestation of the Father in the created world. The Son comes from the Root - the Father - and is the Father's manifestation in created form.
The spirit world is not unified. It stretches from the highest of the high place, where the Father dwells - aka Heaven, and manifests via the Son, to the lowest of low, the darkest, coldest regions, furthest from the Father - aka Hell. There are myriad levels between, all reflecting the different levels of consciousness of those who have passed to (humans) or who originate from (angels) the spirit world. (Yes, there are demarcation points, and borders of jurisdiction, but between those points, there are still many, many levels determined by quality of heart and consciousness.)
Collectively, Heaven operates via the Son, the Saints surrounding and cooperating with him, the spirits of good men and women who lived righteous lives, plus the angelic realms. There is HQ in Heaven. Plans are made, strategies designed and implemented. Based on those plans, which are designed around God's Purpose and Will, the Heavenly realms engage with those who live on earth, to inspire them, guide them, and work with them, to accomplish the myriad goals of goodness that advances Heaven's agenda.
Even if there are those on earth who do not consciously or actively coordinate with each other, because they are inspired by the central source in Heaven, they naturally coordinate.
So yeah, the Heavenly realms definitely design how to get the information out, how to wake up this sector, that sector, these people, those people, and bring them together with those over there, etc. And, people whose hearts are aligned, of good character, pick up the inspiration and act on it. People like Dave. People like you and me.
Thus, we might get the impression that someone is organizing and coordinating the different operations we see, but in many, many cases, it is the Heavenly Realms that are coordinating these, even though the instruments on Earth are not themselves actually deliberately coordinating with each other.
If we don't understand that Heaven is the primary architect, and that Heaven DOES plan, design strategies, and move to influence and guide, we might postulate some hidden coordinating operation (aka "the White Hats"), even where it does not exist in the Earthly realm.
Sure, the White Hats exists, but in my view, they are inspired, and guided, by Heaven's over-arching activities, and so many, many other things happening are NOT by design by the White Hats, but rather, by the Heavenly HQ and Heavenly forces, of whom Christ is the center and the Great General.
Think of the Heavenly Realms as having the biggest, largest and most powerful supercomputer functions that have ever existed. Quantum AI will ever only be a pale shadow to the imaginative, fully functioning cognitive, analytical and planning power of the Father, the Son, and the Agents of Heaven.
Just as Lucifer will NEVER even come close to reaching God's perfect glory.
Anyhow, that's how I see it. And things that happen that I can observe have consistently reinforced this particular view over many decades of life.