and they just cant do it. no matter which way its explained to them. no matter how much information is given. even if they ask for it themselves at some point they just bow out. most end up not caring and drop the conversation and the ones who do care get so overwhelmed even with the most basic information that they just cant continue.
as anyone else experienced this? its every single vaccinated person ive ever met. not just a few. its like they are hardwired to dismiss anything that challenges that choice they made to get it
This is why you can't talk to people.
This is why people won't wake up. Husband's great nephew 18 year old died of heart attack. Brother in law cancer came back. Niece's husband at 40 has stage 4 lung cancer and AFib. Oldest sister testing for lymphoma or leukemia. Cousin died of heart attack. All within 8 months. All VACCINATED.
His oldest sister the most recent to get sick sends him a card and says .. wait for it .. hope you are all vaccinated and masked.
Says stay home world is crazy with computers and guns.
Watchs MSNBC.
This is my neighborhood, my town, my church congregation. The sheer amount of heart issues, stage 4-cancers, elderly falls, leukemia, sudden deafness, seizures, all the doctor's baffled, is overwhelming. I can't tell them. People who I thought wouldn't get the shot got it after all. I only know a handful of people who didn't get it.
This is the same with people around me.
'watches MSNBC' - Well that certainly explains it.
No talking to them.