Ah I see. I'm at the point that I'm content to watch it all go down, as God's will. I told my doctor to go get his booster or else he's a massive let down to society and his profession. He didn't know what to say. lol.
Well, nobody has taken the mark of the beast yet. It's not the covid vaxx. So I don't find this verse to be applicable yet. However, Romans 1 does address the issue of gay sex in verse 27.
Romans 1:27 " .. and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due."
I think so too (like 75% sure it's not the mark of the beast). Jerusalem hasn't fallen yet, and the abomination of desolation isn't here yet proclaiming himself to be god, so I don't think we're even close to the hell-storm that is the apocalypse.
For one, Revelations is not meant to be taken literally, it's highly symbolic. The "elites" know this and are trying to play god and bring in the apocalypse on their terms.
Like I'd like the vax to be the mark, but I guess when the mark actually comes, it's not going to be so easy as "I'm not going to take it, so I'm going somewhere else where I won't have to take it." (or "lay low till things blow over" which was what I did). They'll hunt us down with every single resource, and scorch the rest of the earth so we can't survive anywhere outside their control.
I believe the point Is that for as bad as the “vaccine” stuff has been, and it very well may be a precursor/test run, it is not in sync biblically with being the mark of the beast.
This is leprosy, and it's in the future.
By the way, gay sex doesn't cause shingles. A latent smallpox virus does. We need to get our stories straight.
Herpes Zoster causes Shingles and it's due to a weakened immune system from the poison covid vax. Yes Monkey Pox is BS,,,derp. Get it straight.
Not you, but some of us are aping the gay sex cause. I know it's the vax
Ah I see. I'm at the point that I'm content to watch it all go down, as God's will. I told my doctor to go get his booster or else he's a massive let down to society and his profession. He didn't know what to say. lol.
Well, nobody has taken the mark of the beast yet. It's not the covid vaxx. So I don't find this verse to be applicable yet. However, Romans 1 does address the issue of gay sex in verse 27.
Romans 1:27 " .. and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due."
Receiving in themselves ..
Obviously you got the vax, just admit it.
If you think the vaxx is the mark of the beast, you don't know your bible.
I think so too (like 75% sure it's not the mark of the beast). Jerusalem hasn't fallen yet, and the abomination of desolation isn't here yet proclaiming himself to be god, so I don't think we're even close to the hell-storm that is the apocalypse.
For one, Revelations is not meant to be taken literally, it's highly symbolic. The "elites" know this and are trying to play god and bring in the apocalypse on their terms.
Like I'd like the vax to be the mark, but I guess when the mark actually comes, it's not going to be so easy as "I'm not going to take it, so I'm going somewhere else where I won't have to take it." (or "lay low till things blow over" which was what I did). They'll hunt us down with every single resource, and scorch the rest of the earth so we can't survive anywhere outside their control.
You should be on your knees asking God for forgiveness for getting the vax, but you are doing the opposite.
I believe the point Is that for as bad as the “vaccine” stuff has been, and it very well may be a precursor/test run, it is not in sync biblically with being the mark of the beast.