🎥 Anon Theatre: The Hunt For Red October (1990)
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Restickying due to relevancy.
Movie Link: https://123movies.net/watch/OGgYNmvR-the-hunt-for-red-october.html
Normally I go with original movie posters, but this one was really awesome!
Synopsis: Based on the popular Tom Clancy novel, this suspenseful movie tracks Soviet submarine captain Marko Ramius (Sean Connery) as he abandons his orders and heads for the east coast of the United States. Equipped with innovative stealth technology, Ramius' submarine, "Red October," is virtually invisible. However, when an American sub briefly detects the Russians' presence, CIA agent Jack Ryan (Alec Baldwin) sets out to determine Ramius' motives, fearing he may launch an attack on the U.S.
Tons of great Q drops associated with this movie: https://qalerts.app/?q=Red+october
Note the original theatrical poster vs the one in Q post 4800
that's awesome thanks for sharing the link. been looking for some Q related movies to watch.
also, there was a short comedic article about Alec Baldwin in the March 98 George Magazine. was titled Run Alec Run, about him running for President someday (he eventually plays one on SNL) the article also mentioned, The Hunt for Red October, his Irish American heritage, and was in a section called Quips...🤔