I have said this before and I will say it again - over and over.
While dems are evil, they are honest in their hatred of our Constitution, our Country, and our Freedoms.
RINOs, however, are even more evil. They snivel and slither. Turning their tails in every way to deceive and destroy those who would vote for them. While hissing their sweet lies to keep the sheep calm, they work in the background to undermine everything they are tasked to uphold.
They are evil. They are snakes. They need to be voted out of office. But most importantly, THEY NEED TO SUFFER EVERY LEGAL CONSEQUENCE AVAILABLE UP TO AND INCLUDING EXECUTION for those who are traitors to our country.
I have said this before and I will say it again - over and over.
While dems are evil, they are honest in their hatred of our Constitution, our Country, and our Freedoms.
RINOs, however, are even more evil. They snivel and slither. Turning their tails in every way to deceive and destroy those who would vote for them. While hissing their sweet lies to keep the sheep calm, they work in the background to undermine everything they are tasked to uphold.
They are evil. They are snakes. They need to be voted out of office. But most importantly, THEY NEED TO SUFFER EVERY LEGAL CONSEQUENCE AVAILABLE UP TO AND INCLUDING EXECUTION for those who are traitors to our country.