For the longest time my assumption was that "evil china" was mad at trump and released the virus on purpose. However, this is just another layer of the media narrative "onion" and the more layers you peel away you'll realize the entire narrative is bulllshit. Yes, the ENTIRE narrative.
This means that Ukraine may hold the key to the truth, not china. And Russia knows it.
I believe that our own government produced COVID either in the USA or Ukraine, and introduced the virus in china on purpose to reduce world population, disrupt the election, create the new world order, introduce the "need" for the vaccines, and cause blame and hardship for China.
Russia intel must have seen this happening, along with the potential for another virus to be released after the perceived weakening or failure of the COVID narrative and invaded Ukrained to (perhaps successfully) stop them.
In the end I believe the US will be exposed as the true evil in this situation, with whatever deep state is going on being to blame.
The question is, where does trump fit in? Can we trust him. I think yes, because the media shit on him harder than any other person on the planet. I think his getting in was an accident that delayed this plan by several years until they realized he might win again and had to stop him. This was all supposed to happen in 2017, I believe, had their plan worked accordingly with Hillary.
They did leave a lot of breadcrumbs leading to China didn't they? There was the proposal for gain of function research to DARPA which was rejected. The money trail to the lab in Wuhan. The fact that the virus appeared to be genetically derived from viruses from that area. It was a wealth of evidence leading to Wuhan. Why were these things left out in the open? So we could find them maybe? We know these organizations have ways to evade official channels with dark funding.
The globalists would have known that people would find all that stuff leading to China. Perhaps they intended it to be found. They had no idea that Putin would shine a spotlight on Ukraine. I think the all-hands-on-deck reaction by government, media, and social media to come to the defense of Ukraine is a good indicator that you're right.
What’s bizarre is, for a time, Ukraine even seemed to have supplanted the covid narrative. Competent, like day and night. It’s amazing to me that people switched so quickly.