COLNE68601 10 points ago +10 / -0

I still suspect a bit of misdirection here in regards to Ukraine. This may be a limited hangout of the Chinese facility to keep our gaze away from the biolabs in Ukraine. I've always felt like the money trail to Wuhan Institute of Virology was a bit too easy to track.

COLNE68601 5 points ago +5 / -0

He's on our side. I'm almost sure of it at this point. He's doing everything possible to steal Biden votes. Don't be surprised if he colors his hair purple soon and gets a nose ring.

COLNE68601 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just because he has a white guy first name doesn't make him a white guy. Come on Florida!

Also, I hope they put him in general population and the inmates take care of this piece of shit.

COLNE68601 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think Israel is trying to get back into the good graces of conservatives because they know a Trump Presidency is imminent. The media is being used to encourage the leftists to align with Hamas so conservatives will instinctively align with Israel.

I personally believe we should distance ourselves from involvement in any of these foreign conflicts and just let them play out. We've spent decades inserting ourselves into every conflict and all we have to show for it is a 34 trillion debt. These areas of the world will always be in conflict because of the nature of their cultures.

COLNE68601 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't forget the relentless push of readily-available pornography. Why would young men chase women who've been corrupted by a socialist version of feminism when they can watch fantasized versions of women on the internet?

COLNE68601 23 points ago +23 / -0

I think Mitch is a deep-state puppet who, in my opinion, is being blackmailed by some intelligence agency in possession of incriminating evidence of Mitch boning a goat while wearing a sailor hat.

Since I said "I think" and "in my opinion", it doesn't count as an actual accusation right?

COLNE68601 3 points ago +3 / -0

She seems sincere, especially regarding her stance on vaccinations. She has been an outspoken opponent of vaccination for years. I can't see how her logic-based dissections of our vaccine program could have been any sort of benefit to the Pharma industry. Maybe there's some 5D shit I can't possibly fathom, but she seems to be saying a lot of things hurting the Pharma industry which is a major component of the globalist agenda.

COLNE68601 3 points ago +3 / -0

First of all, "Why aren't you, you stupid fucking fuck." is a question, so it should have been punctuated with a question mark. A writer for The Daily Show should have the basic grammar skills to use correct punctuation.

Secondly, HA HA! That's what you get for not doing your own research. Why aren't you alive you stupid fucking fuck?

COLNE68601 13 points ago +15 / -2

He lost me at the part where he tries to lump Trump in with the rest of them. Sure buddy, that's why they're prosecuting Trump in the courthouse you chose to immolate yourself in front of. If Trump is just one of the club, he'd have to be pretty dedicated to the con to endure all the bullshit he's been put thru for nearly a decade. Why would anyone with enough money to do whatever they want choose to subject themselves to the constant abuse?

COLNE68601 1 point ago +1 / -0

NPR gets roughly 23% of their budget from government sources. Why are they allowed to behave as if they are a private entity? They should be required to report impartially on both sides of any issue. Instead they promote woke foolishness and black ball any employees who call them out for their one-sided reporting.

COLNE68601 16 points ago +16 / -0

Pence is trying to remind everyone on both sides of the issue not to vote for Trump. "Pro-lifers, don't vote for Trump because he's not strict enough. Pro-choicers, don't vote for Trump because we got rid of Roe V. Wade remember?" What a RINO piece of shit this guy is. Can we expel him from the Republican Party for not supporting the Presidential nominee? He's obviously assisting the Dems in an effort to prevent the next Rebublican presidency.

Abortion is one of those issues used to stir up division between the parties so we won't come together about anything else. Politicians on both sides don't want us realizing how much common ground there is because people might figure out that both sides are bought and paid for.

COLNE68601 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) is the non-profit paying for the lawsuits forcing the government to produce this information. Please consider watching their weekly show called The Highwire which streams on their website and on Rumble. Also consider donating to this organization. I don't align completely with their politics, but they mostly put politics aside and focus on the science. They've been on the frontlines of the fight to return liability to vaccine manufacturers for years. They've also been delving into other issues recently such as climate change propaganda and transgender issues. They put together a really good show once a week which is usually about 2 hours.

COLNE68601 4 points ago +4 / -0

Life insurers are losing their asses due to excess death, but they can't make a fuss about it because they supported the experimental medical products. Instead they'll just boost the cost of all their other offerings to recover their losses.

COLNE68601 7 points ago +7 / -0

Great, a control group. Can't wait to see Louisiana's youth excel in the coming years.

In the past infants would get temporary immunity from their mothers thru breastmilk for most diseases which would bridge the gap until their immune systems were more mature. Now most of the mothers have been vaccinated for most diseases, so very little immunity is passing from mother to child. This was a predicted outcome of the vaccine program but public health officials decided to ignore it.

COLNE68601 1 point ago +1 / -0


Here's the Jon Stewart property. It has been bought and sold a couple times since then in the range of 13 to 15 million according to this article. Based on the photos and what others have been willing to pay for it, it appears the property is worth roughly what Jon Stewart was paid in 2014.

I'm wondering, how did Jon Stewart manage to get the property valued so far below it's actual value?? Seems like that would be some sort of fraud. Taxes would probably be much lower for starters.

COLNE68601 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought maybe the first article was going to suggest most immigrants were coming into the country with natural immunity, which would actually help fight the spread of diseases, but no, they just make up a bunch of crap about how a lot of them work in healthcare so they are a net positive for heath.

Here is a quote one of their experts directly contradicting the premise of the article: "Conditions in refugee camps and detention centers can lead to undervaccination and the spread of infectious disease," Spiegel noted.

COLNE68601 1 point ago +1 / -0

Regardless of whether intentional or not, Kennedy's choice for VP will be a positive thing for Trump. Team Biden is going to have to stop pretending Kennedy doesn't exist now and expend some energy differentiating themselves from the Kennedy campaign.

In a way, Kennedy is a Democrat version of Trump. He represents the fundamental values of the Democrat party with all the corporate cronyism stripped away. Yeah, he's a Democrat, but I think he's an honest Democrat. I don't always agree with what he says, but I think he's sincere about everything he says.

COLNE68601 6 points ago +6 / -0

Kennedy has been demanding better safety studies on vaccines for years which does not fit well with the NWO agenda. He helped expose the fact there have been no placebo controlled studies of vaccines, which has not won him any fans in public health or DC.

Taking Shanahan as his running mate is going to make him more attractive to Democrats and less attractive to Republicans. Kennedy is being strategically positioned to take more Biden voters than Trump voters. I really think Kennedy is one of the good guys. He's good friends with Del Bigtree, one of the main players in the health freedom movement. The Highwire has been a major force in awakening millions worldwide to the dangers of vaccines, and more recently, to the attempts of globalists to clamp down on all of our freedoms.

COLNE68601 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who keeps giving this dipshit a microphone? He's irrelevant. His organization has no standing in the United States. It would be equally as meaningful if I got a microphone and filmed myself talking about how Tedros must only walk backwards and is no longer allowed to speak English because he sucks at it. He has no power. We didn't elect him. He can go back to whatever third-world hellhole spawned him and consume a bucket of whatever excrement is sustainably sourced in the region.

COLNE68601 2 points ago +2 / -0

Chuck Todd questioning someone's credibility. The word hypocritical doesn't even do the situation justice. It's like a porn star calling someone a slut because he heard they're promiscuous.

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