Just doing autist things and come across this sculpture that looks very satanic, in a random German village named Kranenburg. It's right in front of our faces!
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Spencer Smith YouTube vid on Commonwealth games opening ceremony-baal https://youtu.be/LG1tPVuCwiQ
Not Satanic per se. More Mithras bull cult tho. Aka Illuminati...aka cabal.....aka the Ones who forged the bull that time with Moses. Not necessarily Satan tho. Moloch for sure.
Ever hear of Baal?
I have. Moloch is the openly child sacrifice accepting demon though.
That's where a lot of the "bull" imagery comes from. The vowel is actually rather inconsequential. Baal, Buul, Bull, Bal, even Bol and Bel, all refer to the same thing/entity.
The bronze statue with the arms outstretched is Moloch.
I'm calling this one for Baal.
And I'm certain that Satan is a separate character as well.
Who knows for certain though? Not me.
Nah you are correct.....Baal is the bull. There is also another bull, or cow based one. I am not well versed on daemons to be honest. I DO however have the Occult Tarot deck. It has all of the demons. And I do use it frequently. I work with Energy, I can feel and sense Energies around me if that makes sense. When I use these tarot decks I can usually "FEEL" the Energy signature of the artists channeling. I can feel the Demons
Demons are real, I see them most nights. They're just outside visible light spectrums, and can be seen during the dark under certain body conditions, especially when your pineal gland is somewhat de-calcified and active.
When you see them, they're like ugly people, frantically waving their arms at you. It's almost like they live in fast motion. I've never seen any horns, or anything like that. Just ugly, small people and blurry. Like goblins. And very blurry. I can just barely make out their silhouettes .
Demons (that might not even be the best word to use) are the entities responsible for reminding you of your past mistakes in an effort to make you feel bad, which nourishes them.
They're a natural part of the karma release process, as far as I'm concerned. And overcoming them is a part of growing up. Like a fly is a natural part of decomposition.
Satan is Moloch. Moloch is Satan. Both are pure evil. As one uncovers the most utterly evil things, they see that they all meld together into an incomprehensible mass of abomination.
They are different....Different Energy signatures man. To YOU maybe they are the same. To me. Someone in the Occult. It's different. I do not mess with these entities. But I have felt dark things associated with these beings. And as I said. Its VERY different.
uh what? you're in the occult?
are you?
Yes, I am. Not every Occultist does "Evil shit". Not everyone who walks the other path is evil. We just understand things differently. We have a different view on Spirituality. And its the Christian label of "Occultist" that paints me into a bad light off the rip. I am not trying to shit talk Christians, only used that as an example. Believe what you want. I am not here to judge. I dont care. What someone is doesnt make them who they are. At the end of the day we want the same goals. Freedom, end human trafficking, end child exploitations, restore humanity to a higher vibration. You choose to do it through Religion, I do it another route. We aren't enemies.
I don't do religion. I'm more into faith and worhsipping God. Church is overrated and heretical.
The atmospehre around here is that anything remotely occulitic is related to rothchild pedovore cults. So i'm sorry if i bothered you.
Not bothered at all, and I do get alot of downvotes. I am not trying to be a popular monster though. I share my little bit of Gnosis when I can, when relevant. I do believe and worship God also. I just understand, God created dark and light.Not everyone is love and light. Some of us are darker. Some of us struggle to be love or give love. I do not worship other gods, or goddess. But I understand in the Bible, the quote exists about there being other gods. So I wanna know who and what they are too. Because if this God made us in ?His image...what did the other gods make?? To me the Occult allowsme the room to ask these questions and not be ostracized and bound by the Dogmas
Occult means hidden