Just doing autist things and come across this sculpture that looks very satanic, in a random German village named Kranenburg. It's right in front of our faces!
Cabal History
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Satan is Moloch. Moloch is Satan. Both are pure evil. As one uncovers the most utterly evil things, they see that they all meld together into an incomprehensible mass of abomination.
They are different....Different Energy signatures man. To YOU maybe they are the same. To me. Someone in the Occult. It's different. I do not mess with these entities. But I have felt dark things associated with these beings. And as I said. Its VERY different.
uh what? you're in the occult?
are you?
Yes, I am. Not every Occultist does "Evil shit". Not everyone who walks the other path is evil. We just understand things differently. We have a different view on Spirituality. And its the Christian label of "Occultist" that paints me into a bad light off the rip. I am not trying to shit talk Christians, only used that as an example. Believe what you want. I am not here to judge. I dont care. What someone is doesnt make them who they are. At the end of the day we want the same goals. Freedom, end human trafficking, end child exploitations, restore humanity to a higher vibration. You choose to do it through Religion, I do it another route. We aren't enemies.
I don't do religion. I'm more into faith and worhsipping God. Church is overrated and heretical.
The atmospehre around here is that anything remotely occulitic is related to rothchild pedovore cults. So i'm sorry if i bothered you.
Occult means hidden