Ok, I guess I should know this. Just watched a clip of Joe getting off Marine One. When he couldn’t put his jacket on and Jill had to help him. The Marines on either side of the steps were in flight suits, not dress uniform. Now I was in the AF for 30 years, did time in the 89th as a crew chief. Worked SAM aircraft, flew on them, marshaled in Marine Two shitloads of times and I never seen the Marines in anything other than their dress uniform. Just thought it strange.
I don't know much about CGI but when I watched the video I thought they looked fake, actually they looked like full sized posters. If you watch closely neither one blinked then when Joe started to leave he ran into the "person" and it moved back and forth-almost like it was a huge poster.
I don't know about protocol but are these guys not supposed to blink?
And then if you look at the guy on the left - take note of the dots next to his right shoulder - from about 25 seconds on they disappear and then reappear.
Just strange.