As Madison explained in Federalist 37, "Perfection is unattainable." Our Constitution may not be perfect, but it is and has always been excellent. Its best attribute is the ability to be IMPROVED, albeit the difficulty of the amendment process, which also protects it from being destroyed with stupid changes.
It is the law of the land the preserves the Republic, only so long as enough enforce it.
You certainly can become an American via naturalization. You just can't become President. I'd have no problem amending that restriction. As long as you've been naturalized for 20 years, then eligible.
As Madison explained in Federalist 37, "Perfection is unattainable." Our Constitution may not be perfect, but it is and has always been excellent. Its best attribute is the ability to be IMPROVED, albeit the difficulty of the amendment process, which also protects it from being destroyed with stupid changes.
It is the law of the land the preserves the Republic, only so long as enough enforce it.
You certainly can become an American via naturalization. You just can't become President. I'd have no problem amending that restriction. As long as you've been naturalized for 20 years, then eligible.