It's Five O'Clock Charlie! Remember him? From MASH? He's back. THE PLANET'S SHITTIEST, STUPIDEST TROLL. His gimmick? The usernames he makes. Today's? u/PutTrumpInPrison. OMG. Are you serious...? PLEASE DO THIS. WE BEG YOU! LIBTARDS! PLEASE PLEASE ARREST TRUMP! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!🤣
Night Crew
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Yeah, it's kind of telling that a remark saying the CIA, FBI and DOJ would still EXIST after a Trump arrest gets as many downvotes as upvotes. As if the agencies would suddenly just...vanish? Or, as if our wonderful heroic Congress would rise up and abolish them, amid the echo of angels chanting, immediately following the event? Good grief, give us a break.
I hope patriots aren't starting to lose their grip on reality with years yet to go in this nightmarish saga til the storm passes.
wait, you mean the bureaucracies that are these three letter agencies wont just magically fade away if Trump gets arrested? that our own government wont instantly fall and the people will be free to engage in liberty once more when this happens? shocking!