Hey all,
Feeling a bit down lately with work, personal life shit and in trying to ignore world events to focus on what I can feasibly reach out and tackle. Would love a prayer or some wisdom for 23 year old like myself to be encouraged by. Thanks. (Mods, if not allowed please don't ban me, just remove the post and pray in private.)
Dear Lord, joy seems like it is in short supply for a lot of us these days. Yet you have said if we abide in you and you in us we would have your joy. Please Lord, guide us in your Word that we may understand this joy, not as the world does, but as you taught us in John 15. You are our vine, we are your branches. Fill us with your joy that we may be complete in you. Strengthen us when we are faint as Isaiah 40:29 tells us, so that we may run and not grow weary. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who helps us and reminds us of all you want us to know. Thank you for your love that endures forever. Please fill us with your peace that surpasses all understanding. I ask all this in Jesus’ Holy name for SkeetTheJeet and everyone else, myself included, who struggle with how life is these days. Amen.