Hey all,
Feeling a bit down lately with work, personal life shit and in trying to ignore world events to focus on what I can feasibly reach out and tackle. Would love a prayer or some wisdom for 23 year old like myself to be encouraged by. Thanks. (Mods, if not allowed please don't ban me, just remove the post and pray in private.)
You are on the forefront of the US being re-born, and that is exciting. It's you awake younger generation that we are turning to pass the baton to. We boomers are beginning to creak a little around the edges. We've been waiting decades to see it play out and are ready to turn it over to you. You are are vastly more important than you know. Pray for each day that God has given you and trust He will get you through the bumpy spots. Glad you posted and asked for encouragement. It's the biggest reason we are here... to support each other in this difficult time.