I won't bother posting the images. You've seen the "But her e-mails" hat, and probably some of the absolute 1st year CalArts grad attempts at creating the DarkBrandon meme that just started to happen "organically a week ago". And then there is this video (and others like it).
This is their best attempt at meme and psyop warfare. The problem is all this shit glows so damn much that you can probably see it from Alpha Centauri.
The FBI would not have raided Trump's home without having some knowledge of what they are going to find based on this happening. My theory was that the FBI was going to get the goods, perp walk him out that night, and then demoralize us with a combination of meme warfare, gloating from Hillary, and a media bombardment from every damn angle possible.
Clearly the FBI raid was complete and total bust. If they had ANYTHING, there would have been a press conference immediately that morning with tons of media coverage to gloat and say: "WE GOT HIM!" Now the FBI looks like a bunch of chumps standing out in the open with their thumb up their ass while the rest of the free thinking world laughs at them. But their plan is proceeding anyways as they have no choice, and the coping from all of them is absolutely fucking real.
Right now, they are going for the jugular. They are trying to incite violence from us. They are trying to make us so angry we do something irrational. We are rational people here, we are not at irrational... yet. Do not fall for this neon green shit. Stay strong brothers and sisters and continue to laugh at their failure to get Trump, and massive coping campaign that literally continues today.
At this point it almost seems like the FBI conducted the search so the optics look like they are a thug organization floundering.
I have pointed out to my wife that even the msm seems to be saying lines they would never have said a short few months ago. The ship will require a very large area to turn around and these turning events appear to be accelerating.
Patriots in control (and forcing them to make themselves look like dopes).
FBI: What do we do now?
Patriots in control: Read the script.