Yesterday i was out driving and my passenger told me to go “straight” thru the intersection,
And it reminded me of some sh*t i had forgotten all about.
Back in the day, we used to say “straight”, as in, go “straight” thru the intersection,
But then one day, one of our gay friends “corrected” us, and told us not to say “straight”, but instead say “forward”.
As in, go “forward” thru the intersection.
And just like that, we never said “straight” again. We always said “forward” after that.
I suppose the straight/forward thing was an earlier version of the woke pronoun thing.
Anyway, i guess i had never really thought about it, and was just being overly-accomodating to someones irrational demands.
If someone gets offended by someone saying “go straight thru the intersection”, thats their own problem that they will have to learn to cope with.
Because from now on, when im the navigator, im going to tell the driver to go straight.