The FBI Is Proving Itself to be the Tip Of The Spear of CLOWN WORLD !!🤯🤯🤡🌎
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I think I have to go with "butt of the spear," and they're being asked to spread 'em.
Trust Wray huh? Is he a white hat tasked to expose the corruption within bureau?
Could be comms to us to not go overboard on rhetoric and hurt the cause. Why is Wray saying this and not Biden or a Rep congressman or sen?
Time to close the three letter agencies. I have not seen a single so-called threat to the clowns. Instead, we get threats from them—labeling patriotic Americans as potential terrorists, breaking illegally into President Trump’s home, setting up innocent Americans. They can look in the mirror for the next threat.
Freedom of speech implies violent rhetoric as well.
Rhetoric ?
He is confused and should study his history.
If they expect us to stand by passively as they pillage and plunder our resources, murder and mutilate our families and friends, they are mistaken.
"Trust wray" or live in the real world. Alliances change and scripts are flipped, by consent or coercion, DOJ is the enemy of the people, we will not comply, we do not consent, it is "you" sir acting beyond your constitutional authority that is "the criminal" and "the traitor" to the Republic.
At time like these I am reminded of once written words:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We don't want violence. We want the fbi dismantled. The violence is your purview. Lies too.
Denounce us. You should be attending beside is liken Trump is.
We denounce the deep states lies and authority.
These faggots are trying to call it a "search", well it's not!