This bodes well for Disclosure. Simpsons, like most popular Media, contains Comms. There is a "Time Travel" aspect to Comms, in that it can show the Comms Aware Clown (or Patriot) warnings/signs of future events.
This goes back to even the 1900 when "dinosaur" bone discoveries were widely circulated in newspapers. Worldwide. Turns out they were ways of subtly flagging discovered oil locations, promoting funding for Clown-controlled entities without outside interference.
Comms are so prevalent, that Media isn't even allowed to get funding/greenlit if it doesn't contain Clown-friendly Comms messaging. This all shifted bigly in 2019+. The Comms have been INCREDIBLY positive and pro-Patriot. Anons here love to nostalgia about the 80s, but, all decodes of Comms I come across from that era make me want to gag.
This bodes well for Disclosure. Simpsons, like most popular Media, contains Comms. There is a "Time Travel" aspect to Comms, in that it can show the Comms Aware Clown (or Patriot) warnings/signs of future events.
This goes back to even the 1900 when "dinosaur" bone discoveries were widely circulated in newspapers. Worldwide. Turns out they were ways of subtly flagging discovered oil locations, promoting funding for Clown-controlled entities without outside interference.
Comms are so prevalent, that Media isn't even allowed to get funding/greenlit if it doesn't contain Clown-friendly Comms messaging. This all shifted bigly in 2019+. The Comms have been INCREDIBLY positive and pro-Patriot. Anons here love to nostalgia about the 80s, but, all decodes of Comms I come across from that era make me want to gag.