Back in 2009, Under executive order 13489, Obama revoked Sec. 6 of Bush's EO 13233 on the Presidential records act. "Sec 6 - Right of congress and courts to gain access".
I don't know if this plays into any of this but a few months back I was doing a little digging into this drop and came across this info and thought it could be important in the future.
Back in 2009, Under executive order 13489, Obama revoked Sec. 6 of Bush's EO 13233 on the Presidential records act. "Sec 6 - Right of congress and courts to gain access". - Obama's EO revoking Sec. 6. - Bush's EO
I don't know if this plays into any of this but a few months back I was doing a little digging into this drop and came across this info and thought it could be important in the future.
I think its pretty pertinent. Hussein was already planning how to safeguard the criminal evidence paper trail