Old dogs! Patriots! "We are the public face of the Q movement." Keep your guns pointed at the enemy. Our WIN lately has attracted tons of new users, which means that the difference between a newb and a shill might not always be obvious! Please be patient (but DEPORT suspected shills!) THANKS!
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GreatAwakening at voat wasn't bad but I likened QRV to the wild west.😁 I spent most of the time at GA but occasionally would wander over to QRV, wow, messy to say the least.
QRV was my 3rd home. Lots of "strong personalities" in there. I often wondered what everyone would have been like FTF. I'm not sure if there would be a huge group hug or a mass stabbing event. I still have a shit ton of screen shots in my archives from those days. Good times.
I loved the brutal honesty in voat.. You never had to worry about someone not saying what was on their mind. or sugar coating a response
That's how it should always be.
Oh so true. They had no filters. Came out of their heads directly to the keyboard. It for sure gave me thicker skin.
Nothing wrong with that. Overly sensitive people are a PITA to deal with - not everything is meant as a personal attack, and text doesn't convey meaning very well.