posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +22 / -0

Dear Agent Smith,

Whether you realize it or not, the top of your chain of command are the 13 Illuminati families who worship the devil, murder and rape kids. They are behind all the destruction of the world and by working for them, you are helping them.

They keep their hands clean because they don't want the bad karma to fall upon their head. They prefer it fall upon yours. They believe in Karma as it is provable on their level of research and they know that all that they do will eventually boomerang on them 1 for 1. This is why they have you doing all the dirty work in exchange for a paycheck which you can get easily from another job.

They made false promises to your leaders about being some kind of a God with his own slaves but once they are done using them, they will end them and laugh at how stupid those "useful idiots" were to sell their souls for nothing.

Selling your soul means devolving your soul or making it poorer. The poorer it gets, the more hellish your life becomes. Is this what you want?

You have a chance now to be a hero by helping us and redeeming yourself or at least join the many other Gov workers who simply quit and abandoned their evil leadership. Go find another job and I assure you, most other jobs are less stressful and you can still make the same amount of money or more.

All this hard work you did for them was for nothing. The promises they made to you are all lies. Once they are done using their useful idiots, they will merely X them. Your soul will go on but it will be devolved and more primitive. You will have to re-evolve it all over again which you can start doing now by helping we the People who are the ones who truly want Peace and Justice Worldwide.

Choose wisely, Sincerely, We The People