I have to admit, the blindness and even the stupidity of the Q doubters never ceases to amaze me. I often think "this is the proof that is SO OBVIOUS" that even the densest of skeptics will see it.
I remember when General Flynn took the oath to defend the constitution ending with "WWG1WGA" 2 weeks after Q challenged supporters to do that. I was thinking "It's a done deal. No more need for Q proofs. No way anyone can ever deny this one!"
No such luck. The same individuals continued to call those that saw it as a "q proof" as wacky.
Recently, Trump used the music called WWG1WGA for one of his videos. Even Media Matters accused it of being "no accident." I've seen this Q proof shared on various conservative sites, and our same blind friends remain unmoved. "Retard! This means nothing!" They continue to scream.
In the 90s there was a show called "X-Files." I believe the main character's name was Moulder, and his red headed friend was named Scully. Moulder was constantly trying to convince his skeptic friend that UFOs were real. Scully's skepticism became ridiculous and frustrating that no matter times she had seen something supernatural, she never became a believer. I remember thinking "nobody could ever be this dense!" But that is the way a huge percentage of people are when something goes against the narrative they believe it.
I don't suggest constantly barraging others with Q proofs, but I believe it helps the movement that we continue showing others Qproofs or predictions when they are a very obvious and don't require a lot of deciphering. There was a time when we did not realize the Q posts were real, or maybe even some of us were skeptics at a time!
I remember I heard a lot of buzz around Q in late 2018, and I comment about how skeptical and naive those Q people. Then in January of 2018, someone shared a Q proof. I remember Q wrote the word "goodwin" and just minutes later DJT wrote "good win" on Twitter. I looked back and forth between the two posts. I was thinking "this can't be? Maybe DJT wrote good win first and Q followed?" But that was not the case. The timestamps showed the truth. That's when I had my "Aw shit! I think it's true!!" After that I keenly paid attention to DJT and Q posts to see if there was indeed a correlation. I became solidly convinced shortly within weeks.
So Friends, keep up the good work. You never know when something will register with someone. The skeptics are so loud, so dense, so hopeless, that we can feel all people are that way. Do not despair, every day fence straddlers continue to jump off and join our movement!
The importance of more people being aware of Q and believing it's real is then they realize how enormous and evil the DS has been.
It is not until enough people are aware of this that it will be taken down.