“This is the modern-day version of Watergate except the only difference is, it wasn’t political operatives breaking into their opponent’s headquarters. It was the FBI & DOJ busting into the home of their political opponents - and if the facts play out the way that we think, a lot of people are going to be held accountable… at the highest levels of government.”
Are you ready? Not sure when, but I truly believe justice is coming 💥
Sorry. Must be my page settings. I click on your message and it just reloads your message.
Look in the rest of the comments below the heading...There's a link to BitChute...Don't click on the message...click on this... https://www.bitchute.com/video/YvwXtMAY5pdR/
did you click on the Q to the left of title? it should be at the bottom of the comment that appears.
It may be the brave browser too . Theres no Q, just text and the flair. I appreciate the heads up.