So just a few short weeks ago there was talk and and panic about New York prepping for a nuclear fallout type of incident. Now with the narrative that President Trump had the nuclear codes or whatever, one must ponder the possibility that they are getting ready for their false flag event involving nuclear weapons...
I really hope I am over thinking this...
Are you sure nuclear bombs even exist? Could "nukes" be yet another tool the cabal used to generate fear amongst the sheeple?
They could be. But considering the millions of historical accounts thereof, no it's not that likely. They use nukes as a fear porn tool, no doubt there, but the science is fairly easy to understand and follow. Remember, we use nuclear power so it does exist.
As far as an actual weapon goes, they are probably the dumbest one man ever came up with. Yeah we can decimate our enemies, but in the process we make their lands unlivable and therefore unconquerable... sounds like a shit deal all around.
Maybe. I haven't made up my mind. And I'm talking about weaponized fusion, not power generating fission.
Have you ever compared photos of Dresden and Tokyo (phosphorous fire bombings) with Hiroshima and Nagasaki? They look identical. Concrete structures all standing, even at "ground zero", wood/paper all burned away. You'd never be able to differentiate between the two if I showed you pictures without telling you where they were from.
Did you know that food vendors were back on the streets in Hiroshima 2 days after the bombings? And they were clearing out the debris and rebuilding within a week of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki? So much for radiation fallout, eh?
Did you know nobody was allowed to take photos at Nagasaki and Hiroshima except for two guys, both with the OSS (former CIA)? And that the OSS is who released all known photos of both? Zero independent sources.
Have you ever watched the government released videos of nuclear bomb explosions? Loaded with obvious forkery and CGI (like clouds not moving). Other government videos of nuke tests are obvious tiny models, but passed off as legit.
Have you seen the guy who says he worked within the US nuclear power plants for 20+ years and used to drink the water and bathe in the nuclear rod reactor pools? I wonder why he would make all that up?
Did you know we spent over $2 billion dollars on the Manhattan project, which is probably equivalent to $2 trillion in todays fiat currency. That's a lot of time, money, energy and resources spent on something that was never guaranteed to work in the first place. Would our government be open to admitting that it was all a giant waste or would you expect them to whip up some propaganda to reassure the people that it was all worth it in the end?
It occurs to me that everything we know about nuclear bombs is 100% government provided, whether us or the Soviet Union. And the US taxpayer paid for the entire Soviet regime all the way through 1992 (See "The Best Enemy Money Can Buy" by Antony Sutton). So the cold war was also pure propaganda. Fear, layered on fear, wrapped in fear.
Basically my position today is, I haven't seen any convincing facts, but instead, mountains of government propaganda, much of it provably fake. In a nutshell, where there's smoke there's fire.
I'm just surprised more people here don't pause and think it through a bit, especially after all the lies and deceptions being uncovered on a daily basis.
What was the name of the nuclear guy you talk about? I remember seeing a video of him years ago. Saying it he used to carry two pieces of reactive material of he exact same size, in either pocket on each side of his lab coat. Because he knew he was the only thing stopping the critical mass. Dwight gayler? Or something along those lines
Galen Windsor. Here's his presentation: