So just a few short weeks ago there was talk and and panic about New York prepping for a nuclear fallout type of incident. Now with the narrative that President Trump had the nuclear codes or whatever, one must ponder the possibility that they are getting ready for their false flag event involving nuclear weapons...
I really hope I am over thinking this...
What follows is a comment I made some weeks ago regarding the threat of a radiological event.
My theory is that no detonation will be necessary.
Recall 9/11. Did real aircraft fly into the twin towers? Or were they both rigged with explosives and brought down, while Hollywood news crews composited footage of aircraft into the footage in post production for the media?
Could the media do such a thing again? Could they make enough Americans believe that a detonation had occurred, when in reality it was carefully set explosives and composited mushroom clouds? Radiation could be leaked at select locations to sell the explosion, evacuations and quarantines could be set up to hype the panic, and an EMP could wipe out electronics so no one close to the area could get footage.
This would effectively drive many Americans deep into the Mass Formation Psychosis wherein their critical thinking will be shut down and replaced with narrative induced fear.
We saw this occur on 9/11.
While I believe that this type of event is possible, I do not believe it is likely to occur in this timeline. Certain events would irreversibly place us on a path to World War III. I think such a psy-op, if left unchecked, would do just that.
If the Cabal try to pull this stunt, I think that is when Q and the Military would step forward and tear down the curtain for all the world to see.
Is this the same military who waves the homo/freaks flag proudly and made it so that if anyone spreads the gospel is subject to military disciplinary action while Satanists are welcomed with open arms? The same military who promotions are based on gender or race? (that is to say if you're a straight white man, you are out of luck) The same military that is represented by leaders in drag? Those guys will come to the rescue?