So just a few short weeks ago there was talk and and panic about New York prepping for a nuclear fallout type of incident. Now with the narrative that President Trump had the nuclear codes or whatever, one must ponder the possibility that they are getting ready for their false flag event involving nuclear weapons...
I really hope I am over thinking this...
What follows is a comment I made some weeks ago regarding the threat of a radiological event.
My theory is that no detonation will be necessary.
Recall 9/11. Did real aircraft fly into the twin towers? Or were they both rigged with explosives and brought down, while Hollywood news crews composited footage of aircraft into the footage in post production for the media?
Could the media do such a thing again? Could they make enough Americans believe that a detonation had occurred, when in reality it was carefully set explosives and composited mushroom clouds? Radiation could be leaked at select locations to sell the explosion, evacuations and quarantines could be set up to hype the panic, and an EMP could wipe out electronics so no one close to the area could get footage.
This would effectively drive many Americans deep into the Mass Formation Psychosis wherein their critical thinking will be shut down and replaced with narrative induced fear.
We saw this occur on 9/11.
While I believe that this type of event is possible, I do not believe it is likely to occur in this timeline. Certain events would irreversibly place us on a path to World War III. I think such a psy-op, if left unchecked, would do just that.
If the Cabal try to pull this stunt, I think that is when Q and the Military would step forward and tear down the curtain for all the world to see.
Aircraft DID hit the towers, they just weren't passenger aircraft. Large drones designed to look like aircraft? Absolutely. But there is too much eyewitness and armature video for it to have been composite. Yes I have seen the forensic data on the news archives. That doesn't explain how millions of eye witnesses SAW the planes hit and recorded it on their personal devices. But no they did not bring the buildings down.
That said... you make a valid point. They could have it go off offshore and do their little smoke and mirrors show and set off dirty bombs to sell the narrative. The only plothole in their story will be the lack of electromagnetic interference. But the way you describe things possibly going down could happen.
I saw the 2nd plane
You mean no holograms or lazor beams!?!
I know it's a long shot... But were you close enough to see any key details that would make it stick out like a commercial liner?
No. The recent leaked VHS is almost exactly what I saw. I plane spot, I could tell it was a 767 but it impacted SO fast
From my research there were no planes. They were CGI'd in after the fact. A plane simply can not penetrate into a steel reinforced building in its entirety with one fake view point showing the complete nose of the plane coming out the other side of the building. That unto itself destroys the plane narrative.
With one huge exception with the theory of project blue beam.
A helicopter reported explosions only. They were promptly ordered out of the area.
If you really believe this then you are a fucking retard. There are thousands of New Yorkers that were on the streets that day and they all saw the planes (Trump included!). Were they just...what? Mass hypnotized? Massively bribed? Every single one of them is lying for some fucked up reason?
"From my research."
Can you tell us what exactly your research consists of?
"Project Blue Beam"
There are a lot of things that happen in the world that make me wonder what's actually going on but when you say fucking stupid shit like this it is literally insulting.
Once again the videos showing planes completely cut through steel reinforced buildings to the wingtips like a hot knife through butter is impossible. That I do know and understand.
Even Trump on that day questioned how the hell that happened
If a big bird smashes into the nose of a plane it destroys it yet one of the videos shows a plane coming through the other side of the building intact like a ghost.
There were no actual planes hitting the buildings .
Now you can light your hair on fire because you simply can't understand nor deal with it then disrespect and attack me from the safety of your keyboard at home but that's not going make you right.
How did they composite personal recording devices?
Either plants or blue beam. We know Massad was there celebrating the towers being demolitioned. There were no airplane parts on the ground. Maybe others can weigh in here.
There are no drones the size and shape of a 767 and the passengers are dead and gone. The buildings came down as they did, no mystery about it. Those who think there is a mystery are laboring under ignorance of the relevant facts (like the fact that the burning temperature of jet fuel is about twice that at which structural steel loses all its strength).
I don’t think the comment on jet fuel burning temperature being twice the temperature of structural steel losing its strength is correct. Tenebre that this building was built to withstand a plane cashing into it.
You can look up steel strength for yourself. And jet fuel (kerosene) flame tempeature.
Here one of many videos on the deception.
Which proves what? There is nothing remarkable about those clips. Of course the airplane would "sink" into the side of the building. What else could it do? Are the building walls going to go anywhere? It is interesting to see that the engines were stripped off and left at the face of the building, which is consistent with the fact that they had a lot of frontal area and not as much sectional density as the rest of the airplane.
The "raw video" and "newscast" images were not taken from the same line of sight. The airplane may have been out of image for the "raw video" clip, or too faint to be resolved. What deception? All you have is a desire to see something you think cannot be true, or cannot be explained.
Thermite explosives we're planted by Mossad. The buildings were then brought down, floor by floor. If you haven't studied this or gone down this rabbit hole you have to spend hours to catch up.
This has happened to me each and every time I learn a new truth.
First, thermite is NOT an explosive. You are already mistaken about a key point. It is an incendiary agent. And what would be your evidence that any thermite was present, when everything about aluminum airplanes burning in a steel building would create the same combustion products?
Once the columns of a given floor buckle, in an environment of weakened steel strength, the floor will collapse instantly (the loads get shifted at the speed of sound, which is several thousand feet per second in steel), and there will be a pancake collapse of the entire column. Once it gets started, there is no stopping.
You will necessarily go down a rabbit hole---because you haven't learned about civil engineering. Mossad? You are filling your ignorance with prejudice.
Please educate yourself with New Pearl Harbor.
There may have been plots behind the scenes, in which case, who was there to witness anything? A dead trail.
The buildings came down in the only way that could be expected. The only arguments I have seen to the contrary are by people who are ignorant of combustion and steel construction.
You have no interest in passing along information. What is "New Pearl Harbor"? Obviously, it is something you cannot describe in a few sentences. I'm already educated, and I don't need to waste my time.
it would be too late by then as most normies would believe it was Trump's fault.
Also, lots of people said they saw Planes on the day. These arent shills but normal working joes on the ground. I think there was Bluebeam holograms of Planes covering directed energy weapons
Is this the same military who waves the homo/freaks flag proudly and made it so that if anyone spreads the gospel is subject to military disciplinary action while Satanists are welcomed with open arms? The same military who promotions are based on gender or race? (that is to say if you're a straight white man, you are out of luck) The same military that is represented by leaders in drag? Those guys will come to the rescue?