They use fear to control people. That is why they portray militias and patriots as scary. That is why they fill the news with mass shootings and label guns as "assault rifles" EVERYTHING is a psyop to fill the sheep with emotions and convince them that the state is the only one who can protect them.
This girl's fears are irrational. She is brainwashed to think anybody with a gun is crazy unless they have a badge.
Abortion is to taxation without representation....sorry, I can not think of the correct analogy. (voted you up anyway, in spite of the apples to celery comparison.
They use fear to control people. That is why they portray militias and patriots as scary. That is why they fill the news with mass shootings and label guns as "assault rifles" EVERYTHING is a psyop to fill the sheep with emotions and convince them that the state is the only one who can protect them.
This girl's fears are irrational. She is brainwashed to think anybody with a gun is crazy unless they have a badge.
Ma’am, could you remind me which article or amendment guarantees you freedom from being uncomfortable?
This is what the evil ones fear the most. Us together united.
Uhm nervous y’all have had guns this entire time and started meeting up and called me a journalist.
Hate. Libtards. So. Fucking. Much.
All these idiots do is create the confusion they think they are entitled for us to explain their tiny brains through.
Abortion is to taxation without representation....sorry, I can not think of the correct analogy. (voted you up anyway, in spite of the apples to celery comparison.