Drive a motorcycle without a helmet.
Drive a car without insurance or being forced to wear a seatbelt.
Ride in a bus across state lines without identification.
Fly in an airplane across country without identification.
Open a smoking allowed restaurant or bar.
Open a men's only gym.
Shared custody in divorce is the vast majority of outcomes.
Divorce becomes rare.
Child support is limited to 50% of the children's expenses and tied to the amount of time the non-custodial parent gets physical custody of the children.
Racial hiring quotas are abolished.
Gender based hiring quotas are abolished.
The Income Tax is abolished.
Federal Welfare is abolished.
The FBI is abolished.
The CIA is abolished.
The EPA is abolished.
The Department of Education is abolished.
The Department of Energy is abolished.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is abolished.
The Department of Commerce is abolished.
The Department of Interior is abolished.
this makes sense. No reason why we can't get rid of both though.
That would really mean getting our country back.
We don't have our country back until we can;
Drive a motorcycle without a helmet. Drive a car without insurance or being forced to wear a seatbelt. Ride in a bus across state lines without identification. Fly in an airplane across country without identification. Open a smoking allowed restaurant or bar. Open a men's only gym. Shared custody in divorce is the vast majority of outcomes. Divorce becomes rare. Child support is limited to 50% of the children's expenses and tied to the amount of time the non-custodial parent gets physical custody of the children. Racial hiring quotas are abolished. Gender based hiring quotas are abolished. The Income Tax is abolished. Federal Welfare is abolished. The FBI is abolished. The CIA is abolished. The EPA is abolished. The Department of Education is abolished. The Department of Energy is abolished. The Department of Housing and Urban Development is abolished. The Department of Commerce is abolished. The Department of Interior is abolished.