Remember all the speculation about Trump retaining the nuclear football after Biden "won" the presidency? What if it was all true. What if the Derp State is desperate to recover the football so they can stage a nuclear false flag? What if the Derp State wanted to melt down the reactors in Ukraine? Does that make the symbolic passing of the football from Trump to Putin more important?
Just some early morning speculation for you all.
I can't imagine this to be true. They wouldn't have waited this long to get it.
It’s not true.
I did say it was speculation. As /r/Sadness said, this idea has had many rounds of speculation here on GA.
I’m tired of moronic speculation.
Not saying you personally but I’ve seen so many “what if ______________ and then _______________!”
Someone in another thread is literally “speculating” that Trump has had the nuclear codes this whole time.
That’s moronic to even speculate about.
Edit: ah wait that’s this thread lol. Nothing personal but yeah you get what I’m saying.
Do you have any proof this “speculation” ISN’T true? If not, it seems like it’s an equal 50/50 chance either way. So I’d say OP’s viewpoint is just as valid as yours.