Jeepers...How about something for the Old Folks...Like a PayPal...OR for the Really old Folks somewhere to send a Check or Money Order...LOL.. I don't mind helping out...just don't want to open a Google account or even use it to do it. We Need a Patriot Drop Box! or Something of that Nature? This is how we got into the Mess in the First do ANYTHING...We need to have your name and ALL of your Information to start anything. OR am I just a Grumpy Old man...Bitching??
Jeepers...How about something for the Old Folks...Like a PayPal...OR for the Really old Folks somewhere to send a Check or Money Order...LOL.. I don't mind helping out...just don't want to open a Google account or even use it to do it. We Need a Patriot Drop Box! or Something of that Nature? This is how we got into the Mess in the First do ANYTHING...We need to have your name and ALL of your Information to start anything. OR am I just a Grumpy Old man...Bitching??
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