Andy Ngô "The first known case of human to dog #monkeypox transmission has been documented in medical journal, the Lancet. The dog caught it from its owners, a non-monogamous gay couple in Paris. The greyhound developed an anal ulceration & mucocutaneous lesions."
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Who are you to regulate people's personal lifestyles?
And what do you define as "normal sexual behavior" and why is your definition the correct one?
You see, you're going to run into the problem of getting to into the weeds of people's personal lives. You see, some believe any sexual position besides missionary is an abomination. And others believe sex is for procreation and to enjoy it is sinful. None of them can back up these claims biblically, but they're sure about it so they must be correct.
In the US I believe this would fall under animal cruelty. We've done all we can. Unless of course you want to put cameras in peoples homes or have them submit to STD tests before leaving their home- any regulation or freedom you attempt to strip from one group of people or another, you set the precedent to have that freedom stripped or regulated upon yourself...
Regulating sexual behavior and engaging in sexual perversion are both, on some level, aspects of the same phenomenon. Only a faggot wants to enforce certain behaviors on others.
All sex which isn't strictly procreative is essentially masturbation and necessarily overly indulgent. Only the chimpanzee in captivity masturbates, in the wild he has no concept of such behavior.
Sexual perversion, i.e. ever elaborate forms of masturbation involving other people, not just of the same sex but even "wholesome" missionary position heterosexual sex for the sake of pleasure alone, is the symptom of a deeper problem. We aren't free, we're born onto owned and controlled space, we're in the feed lot, on the farm prison, in the zoo, and we need diversions and perversion in order to occupy and distract us.
A truly free man does not think about sex, he's too busy conquering and mastering space, and only when inflicted upon by hysterical woman in heat, who is by nature a prisoner to her biology, does he deign to spill his seed in order to be free of her. Homosexuality is not a lifestyle choice, it is merely another flavor of distraction from the reality that you are a slave.
Yeah I believed that same garbage until I realized that if what you say is true, then procreative sex wouldn't be pleasurable. At all. We are very much bound by instinct to reproduce. That is coded into our DNA. To be a "free man" as you claim who "doesn't think about sex" is to submit you mind to bondage.
I accept that I am a creature of instinct. I choose not to fight it, because in the end I am fighting nature. There is some wisdom to consider in the European outlook on the human body. It's not something to be ashamed of. At all. I think even Jesus is gonna call out the prude mentality of those who seek to control people's sexual desires.
You need to decide what's important to YOU and for YOU. But your ideas are not the standard. Your ideas are not the correct ones... No one's really are. If you claim you are free of mind, great. Good for you. I was free when I accepted who and what I am and focused on things that I need to fix that are much more important. Like being a patient neighbor and learning to love others as Jesus loves me...
Yes, of course all life is bound by its instinct and its code, of course nature controls with pleasure and pain, but you can and should fight nature.
The default, natural state of your muscles is to expend as little energy as possible and thereby to be as small and as inexpensive as possible, and when you try to go against this, i.e work out, it is very difficult and painful and you want to quit every step of the way. And this is right, if expending energy felt good we would burn all our calories away in dance.
Nature is "right" in this scheme so as to build enduring forms, but that doesn't mean that as a higher form of life you shouldn't fight that natural pressure and build your muscles and become big and strong, in defiance of entropy and decay. It is the same with sex, of course it must feel good or else no one would waste their time on it, but in order to rise above the lower forms of life, a little discipline and pain must be endured.
I don't judge anyone on their particular soma indulgences while here in the prison rat pile, go for it while in the your cage (as long as you're not hurting anyone else, including those who by definition cannot consent to participate), I too eat sweets, am lazy, occasionally take drugs, and indulge in sexual gratification for its own sake, but it is nonetheless clear to me that these behaviors are poor placeholders for free life on the Frontier, and knowing this is important for when the chance comes to leave my cage I will not fear or mourn the loss of my comforts and pleasures. When we are truly free, when we live right at the border of actual chaos, none of these little onanisms are of concern or interest and real Meaning can be achieved.
Sex isn't wrong, it's beneath you, because you are higher life. But, while not wrong in a moral sense, biological categories are fluid, the more we open our society to these indulgences and the more we give in to nature and the more we elevate comfort and pleasure, the more we slide into the evolutionary mud, the more we domesticate ourselves and become less human and more yeast, less cognitive and more digestive, and if if for long enough insufficient numbers of us do not fight the slide then generations hence we will cease to exist and an objectively worse form will have succeeded us. This is all without even mentioning the forces which actively seek to hasten this transformation, but that is another issue altogether.