What is this thread all about?
Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related.
Tip of the day: To find older General Chats, simply click on my profile -> posts and you will find it there.
The computer has quickly been repaired: its secure boot had a unique glitch. God was granting me a moderate return back to work and it allowed me to quickly commute and greet a few nice colleagues.🤓
Howdy, What kind of work do you do?
Dear LQdy Jules!🤗💐
I admin complex Linux based computer software for huge organizations. That’s like being a model train professional, or a fireman: if I don’t make it work, then I have to extinguish the fire before the company loses millions in minutes.
I am the best at what I do in 🇨🇭…
Oh, cool. One of my brother in laws does that or something like it and one of my sister in laws (different family) writes software and does programming. Me, I’m just a technotard (or so my grown kids say) but I am a good artist, writer and grama
Dear Mary, we returned yesterday safely, it was raining on both ends of the road but never during the loading/unloading of the car.🤗
I just completed my « HOLD THE LINE » for today. I love the Luke 21:31 verse!🙏🏻
When I broke my leg I had to wear a secure boot which, thankfully, never had a unique glitch.