What is this thread all about?
Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related.
Tip of the day: To find older General Chats, simply click on my profile -> posts and you will find it there.
I wouldn't mind taking a stab at something like this. Do you need help with designs? If you'd like to DM me on here I'd love to hear more and ask a few questions.
Would you mind refreshing my memory on how to do that please. I really struggled with figuring it out before and now I have forgotten. My grown kids call me a technotard if that says anything.
Lol, your kids are turds! If you click on someone's name on the forums where it shows their comment/post score, right below that is a "send a message" link.
Do you really have blue hair? Because I do. Sometimes people on the list think I’m one of them, so it opens up opportunities for me to share Jesus with them and just talk about stuff. To be perfectly honest… I like it! I love my blue hair. I’ve been dying it for at least 12 years, before it was popular anyway. I get weird luxe sometimes, but you can see Jesus shining from my eyes! It’s quite perplexing to some!
When I made this account it was blue, and then green, and then teal; and now I'm like a coppery red for a wedding that's coming up. I also have a lot of facial piercings haha so my belief sets are definitely assumed from both sides!
Sometimes it makes me feel like a secret agent. :P I'm kinda lame.
Secret Agent! I like that! When Things finally do go down, there will be a need for people who are available to reach out to the other side. There are going to be so many lost people, I think being in our situation we can help with that!
I never thought of it like that! I'm kinda just nice to everyone even if they are espousing beliefs I don't agree with, which, I'm sure some see as a fault because I'm not defending my side.
But the blue hair tribe will be there when SHTF and we need to tardwrangle the lefties off the edge.