I posted a couple of months ago asking for prayers, my special needs son who is not obese was diagnosed type 1 diabetic. My second post about it was after blood testing the doctors were baffled he was not type 1, but type 2.
Happy to say he is off insulin now and numbers are staying low. He does take Metformin.
The point of this post is he has no reason to have type 2 diabetes. Except one, he has a complicated medical history and has some brain damage from it. During this time he had some anger issues. The doctors prescribed anti-depressant lexapro. We went along with it, was concerned with his anger.
We weened him off of this medication upon the news of type 2. From research into this drug I am convinced it caused his blood sugar issues. We will attempt to ween off metformin and see if he no longer has any issues after getting off lexapro.
Anti-depressants like lexapro are prescribed at extremely high levels in our society. Diabetes has increased along with it. This is just another example of big pharma and the cdc pushing treatments that are unnecessary and dangerous.
For background see this link
People thought a lot of things were crazy until recently ,, you are on the cutting edge of health and wellness and this is what we need so desperately in our country , in our world right now ! you are spot on about anger and the stomach /gut problems ! I see it with my own son, his dad was taken from him, killed , he never processed it with grief or sadness only anger and it's carried with him all these years ! It eventually was masked with drugs and alcohol to elevate the pain of sadness / anger ! he's clean and sober now and doing absolutely fabulous helping others in recovery but the anger is still there and so are the severe gut issues, i'm going to have him read this , he's pretty good as far as health, he's in the gym all the time he tries to do holistic health as much as possible , but he just hasn't crossed over to this sort of medicinal healing through changing your cycle and psyche problems from the past it's fascinating , thank you so much! My daughter has down syndrome and autism the autism is taken away all the downs characteristics happy hugging laughing singing swimming dancing loving people autistic is a very dark place, some autistic anyway ! She tends to isolate just want to stay up in a room lights on blinds closed has recently come in to play she's become nearly nonverbal starting this moaning crap screaming getting mad anger this is a young girl who had a full life used to swim go to the beach go out to eat went to a regular school now she's been reduced to A person I really don't recognize my heart breaks for her when I get her outside and get her in the ocean she's in her element and she's good for a day or so the OCD causes her to wander all night long her mind won't rest tearing things apart it's a very sad situation her health right now is pretty good! I've tried to always keep her on as many good things as possible. you know the vitamins , her diet is good , I try to keep her on clean food organic as much as possible, no sugary drinks she hasn't had a juice in probably 15 years only water milk a little bit so I do try hard with that it's getting her outside, since I can't get her downstairs anymore I'm building a bedroom downstairs with doors leading out to the yard I can actually push her outside lol thank you so much again
Thank you for your reply. I've gotten the best reception ever in this thread on GA. I must be getting better at explaining things as I get closer having the confidence in opening a private wellness clinic by EOY hopefully. The hardest part has been learning all the conventional stuff!
The key to resolution for your son is identifying what he is angry about - and there could be more than one thing. But starting with the issues that arise first in his awareness. What he then needs to do, which may be hard, is Allow/Accept/Forgive/Come-To-Terms-With the thing that is angering him. It many cases, the issue is around "control" of some sort - not always - but often. And this would almost certainly be the case about his father's death. It's the things we feel we could/should be able to control, but can't, that anger us the most.
So in a sense, it's a process of accepting or coming to terms with the fact that you can't CONTROL this thing. That realization can do the trick. Should he be able to do this, he can expect a "dis-ease" of the gut of some sort following successful reconciliation. This is the restoration phase and is expected. It should be left alone. The body knows what it is doing. Rest, fluids, protein, relaxation are what help it along. Fighting, resisting, medicating slow the restoration/healing down.
As to your daughter, I'm sorry to hear about her issues. Believe it or not, we have an explanation for Down's Syndrome, but since it is masked with the autism, let's stick to that for today. It's a complicated issue as I'm sure you're well aware. And I'm sure you're well aware that the majority opinion on autism is neurotoxins in vaxes. We also happen to disagree with this assessment as the data doesn't add up any way you slice it.
However, we agree that it is the vax "event" itself, which can cause tremendous anger/fear or a sense of betrayal from a child that is not able to understand what is happening. If the child has already suffered another conflict, it is this second anger conflict that thrusts the child into what we call an "Autistic Constellation". The psyche is PROTECTING the child from further anguish by effectively short-circuiting specific brain relays.
And of course, autism can arise without the "vax event" as well, but the unique combination of conflicts is the same. Assuming your daughter is right-handed, then she would have first had a scare/fright conflict of some sort. Symptoms of this might be difficulty talking, not wanting to talk much, if at all, throat issues and potentially bouts of laryngitis. We register "scares/frights" in the upper respiratory system (larynx/bronchi) and deeper, more existential fears in the lungs.
The second conflict in the autistic constellation pair is always a "territorial anger" of some sort. These can be very difficult to try and narrow down such events so it's best to think as broadly as possible rather than trying to find the specific event. And to wit, the "territorial anger" (second) conflict must be resolved first.
If you daughter is left-handed, then throw all of the above out. It is a different conflict pair that results in the autistic constellation. Since the population is 90% righties, odds are that she's right-handed. If not, let me know and I'll share the lefty combination.
As an example of the latter, I recently was involved in a case study where the parents finally figured out that it was the taking away of the child's favorite stuffed animal (that was old, dirty and worn out) which they also felt she should have grown out of by age 9, that was the child's "territorial anger" conflict as she felt that the stuffed animal was like a "member of the family" to her (which she was unable to verbalize after going into the autistic constellation). Thus, it was a threat to the "territory" that she felt responsible for and "in control" of.
And to be fair, it can be very difficult to narrow down the conflicts. It takes time. And what "we" think might be the cause is very often not it at all when it comes to children. They see the world in a different way than adults. Keep that in mind. That being said, looking at the days/weeks/months leading up to the first signs of autism is likely going to be the timeframe of the second conflict.
And it sounds like you're doing a whole host of wonderful things for her along the way. Thus, she is well loved and taken care of and this can go a long way in enabling her to resolve the territorial anger conflict if it is discovered. The best you can do is stay eternally hopeful and positive. Your love for your daughter, coupled with your solution-oriented attitude alone goes further than anything else.
I wish you luck and glad to help out if you have additional questions. You can DM me as needed.
Thank you so much I'm gonna start the long process of getting her downstairs and out to the car so I can get it to the beach but I'll text you later yes I wasn't awake 30 years ago and she did get childhood vacs I did wake up soon after that because I noticed that something happened my 29-year-old for example I didn't vax they also probably jabbed her with stuff in different medical procedures that she had to go under Anastasia , to get her teeth done her eyes checked and they totally totally messed up , one time even the nurses came to me and told me that I should do a formal legal lawsuit against the hospital for what they did to her , one nurse was crying and trembling , I was in shock and was trying to get my daughter aware enough to run from the hospital with her , it was abdoulutly horrific , you would never believe what they did the anastiologist was at fault mostly and it's a miracle she survived , whst a demon he was , this did affect her tremendously and she talked about it for years . She now has a horrific phobia of all things Medical show her a Band-Aid she goes into a state of panic and forceful resistance that you could never imagine. that's another reason why I'm petrified if anything should happen seriously that she would need medical care, my God ! so I try to keep her as healthy as possible and I do try to love her and get her through this situation but yes you're spot on on everything that you're saying and I wish you were somewhere near San Diego .
Whoa, that certainly sounds like more than enough to cause these conflicts - way more than enough. So sad that this had to happen.
Here's a suggestion. Do you know if she enjoys music? Bach is the best. Maybe having that on in the background so it's not intrusive. See how she reacts. Certain musical styles can work wonders on these sorts of intractable issues. Bach's Brandenberg Concertos are amongst the best I know of.
Also - since this is resonating with you, you can start learning yourself. You don't need a "doctor" for 99% of issues, save emergency/trauma care. Once you have a better understanding of how we experience conflicts, you can shorten the duration and lessen the intensity for your daughter through understanding.
As I suggested to another person in this thread who asked. You can start to learn here:
I'd suggest you start with the video lectures. It's easier to grasp rather than reading everything. 9 here (start with video #3): https://www.screencast.com/t/eRKIAsGaEc
You can DM me with questions any time. It's easier than you think and will pay off in the long run for the ultimate benefit of you and your children.
Thank you so much , I have put classical on and she responds well , thank you for telling which is the best .. I also put andrea bocelli on which I felt was better than the music videos that she watches ,, Ariana grande Selena Gomez etc ,, she does love bocelli and will put him on herself , I will listen thank you