The official and diplomatic are both only for government business, but the diplomatic appears to be more restrictive. Therefore, I would just assume the diplomatic one is the one that was allowed to expire. Or possibly the expired one was just simply an old one that he didn't throw away. I have no idea, just deductive reasoning at play here.
None of this is unusual. I've had more than 3 active passports at one time in the past.
Trump wouldn't have a diplomatic one.
Likely two civvies and a political
One expired?
Presumably the diplomatic one would be expired.
The Official one?
The official and diplomatic are both only for government business, but the diplomatic appears to be more restrictive. Therefore, I would just assume the diplomatic one is the one that was allowed to expire. Or possibly the expired one was just simply an old one that he didn't throw away. I have no idea, just deductive reasoning at play here.
Biden didn't win.